On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 2:15 PM, Jonathan Link <jonathan.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> And how about MXLogic?  Anyone have anything bad to say about them?

  We signed up for them less than a year ago.  Not impressed.

  It does stop most spam, but there's more to mail filtering than
blocking spam.  If the *only* thing I cared about was making sure we
never got spam, I'd just unplug our email server.  Turns out we want
to get the email that isn't spam, too.

  Biggest problem: They block a lot of mail with no quarantine, no
notification, no log, no nothing.  You're supposed to submit a support
ticket to search for missing mail, it takes them two days, and then
they tell you it might have happened and that's all they can do.

  Their URL redirection service is worse than nothing, because it
hides the actual URL from you and prevents you from discovering what
it might be.

  Their attachment filter can only quarantine the entire message or
allow the entire message.  It can't strip problem attachments and then
deliver the rest.

  Their attachment filter frequently quarantines mail for no apparent
reason.  You can contact support and in a few days they'll tell you
why it did this.  Typically because of an attachment that isn't
showing in their web UI for reasons unknown.

  There's no way for an admin to retrieve a problem attachment from
the web UI.  You can only release the entire email message (with
attachment) to the original recipient.  So if you're not sure if
something is legit or not, there's no way for a trusted admin to
examine it more closely.  They say I'm supposed to call the user and
tell them not to open the attachment.  I point out that if I could
trust users not to do that, I wouldn't need their service.  They have
no answer for that.

  Also, by reporting all of this, I've violated their Terms Of
Service, which prohibit customers from talking about their service
without their permission.

  We'll be re-evaluating come renewal time.

-- Ben

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