We just got 3 laptops,  two top of the line but not completely max'ed out
Dell Latitude E6500's and one of the new Apple laptops.  The two Dells
together cost less than the Apple, came with more and are better long term
machines than the Apple from what I have seen in the past.  The Apple
replaces one that was in-service for 3 years and cost more than most of the
servers.  I could have purchased a new server for running virtual machines
and still had money left over for what we paid for the Mac.  The last Mac
was in for service more times than ALL the laptops, desktops and servers
combined.  Get what we paid for....  maybe if you are a Apple fanperson.
Hard dollars and cents for me say otherwise.


On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 1:10 PM, David W. McSpadden <dav...@imcu.org> wrote:

>  You pay for what you get.
> PC                    Apple
> Monitor              Monitor
> CPU                  CPU
> Keyboard           Keyboard
> Mouse               Something like a mouse
> All the extras you can think of
> Both have a 3 to 5 year expected life cycle.
> You get virii in both now.
> You get support for both.  PC's have more techies to pull from in open
> forums though.
> You can get replacement components for a PC almost anywhere.  Apples you
> have to find an Apple Store...
> I think I still have to go with a PC.
>  ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Jon Harris <jk.har...@gmail.com>
> *To:* NT System Admin Issues <ntsysadmin@lyris.sunbelt-software.com>
>   *Sent:* Tuesday, August 04, 2009 1:02 PM
> *Subject:* Re: exploding iPods
> Agreed add to that they scream bloody murder for the price you pay for
> Microsoft product and not a word of regret at paying more for Apple
> hardware/software.
> Jon
> On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 12:59 PM, Ben Scott <mailvor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 11:39 AM, Derek Lidbom<dlid...@trone.com> wrote:
>> >
>> http://www.tuaw.com/2009/08/03/apple-most-assuredly-not-slapping-family-with-gagging-order-ov/
>> #ifdef RANT
>> "A confidentiality agreement is standard operating procedure"
>>  I do warranty/repair claims all the freaking time with any number of
>> suppliers, and I have *NEVER* had to sign a confidentiality agreement.
>>  *EVER*.
>>  Good gods, is there anything Apple can do that won't have the
>> fanboys and fangirls crawling out of the woodwork to defend them?
>>  I swear, Steve Jobs could sh*t in a box, and people would still be
>> lining up buy it, and saying it doesn't smell.
>>  At least people *complain* about Microsoft's misdeeds.
>> #endif
>> -- Ben
>> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
>> ~ <http://www.sunbeltsoftware.com/Business/VIPRE-Enterprise/>  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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