Sometimes. Let's say you have an application issue with a desktop. Tech A
wipes and rebuilds. Takes an hour. Tech B spends an hour troubleshooting the
issue, isolates it to a DLL that got whacked by some update or something.
Copies the file from a good system to the problem PC and it's fixed.
The help desk starts getting more calls about the same issue on let's say 2
dozen more desktops. Tech A now has 24 more hours of work to do wiping
desktops, and 24 user-hours are out while the machines are being reimaged,
not to mention the wait time before the tech can get to them. Tech B on the
other hand, has the replacement DLL sitting on a file share. He copies the
DLL to the desktops, says reboot when you go to lunch, and is done. Or
better, scripts sending the DLL out to all the machines through
logon/startup/logoff/shutdown/whatever scripts.

Which scenario is, in the long run, more efficient? If you don't KNOW the
root cause for requiring a wipe/rebuild, IMO you've got the potential for
spending a lot more time in the end...

Charlie Kaiser
Kingman, AZ

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ray [] 
> Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 8:53 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: OT: Our profession has been exposed
> But all too often IT is running leaner, as well as the 
> endusers could be.
> Techs screwing around for 1/2 hour or longer just cause 
> downtime for both parties. 

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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