On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 22:54, Greg Wright
<> wrote:
> I have seen (but would have GREAT difficulty replicating) a backup tape
> rotation scheme that evenly (give or take a few writes here and there)
> utilised 14 (I think it was, maybe 17) tapes over the year, with
> specific tapes over the cycle enabling rollback to comprehensive
> historical timeframes.
> The result was it was possible to restore previous 5 days along with a
> number of weeks, then a number of months ending the year with a yearly
> tape. It worked to keep recent backups longer and gradually decreasing
> history over longer term and those histories were rotated back into use.
> It did require that during the cycle a few (3 or 4 I think) would get
> swapped between themselves to ensure the historical restore options were
> there. Ie; One day should have Tape 12 according to the series, but the
> tape needed became Tape 5 to reorient the series (I think!)
> I lost the spreadsheet that gave the rotation scheme, and I remember
> thinking you would struggle if you missed a particularly important
> backup (eg; a monthly) as it might put your scheme out of whack, and
> restoring would be a slightly more difficult experience as you would
> have to locate and confirm the correct tape number as the sequence was
> not 1, 2, 3...7,8 but more like 1,6,3,11,....
> But in terms of minimising tape numbers and maximising (even) wear it
> was pretty impressive.
> Anyone seen anything like that they can explain better than I have?
> Anyone up for the maths challenge to come up with it again?!?!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ben Scott []
> Sent: Thursday, 25 March 2010 2:07 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: NTbackup Methods
> <snip>
> "We do a simple "grandfather/father/son" rotation.  Four daily tapes,
> MON - THR, which get overwritten weekly.  Four Friday tapes, WK2 -
> WK5, overwritten monthly.  Eleven monthly tapes, JAN - NOV,
> overwritten yearly, run on the first Friday of each month.  Every year
> at the end of December, we run a tape which becomes a permanent
> archive, never overwritten.  This gives us staggered granularity to
> recover from "I just realized I need a file I overwrote last month"."
> <snip>
> ~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
> ~ <>  ~

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <>  ~

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