On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Kennedy, Jim
<kennedy...@elyriaschools.org> wrote:
> Let's not ignore the first Conficker infection while we wait for the next.
> CSA was the only thing that stopped it dead from day zero.

  I would disagree with "only".

  Conficker attacked MS08-067 autorun, and open/weak-password network
shares.  We patch security vulnerabilities quickly, so we were
protected on MS08-067.  We disable autorun[1], so we were protected
there.  All our shares require AD authentication, and we protect
against trivial passwords.  Conficker was a non-incident for us.

  And even the "luser manually runs it off removable media" case can
be countered with plain old Software Restriction Policies.

  Not saying CSA doesn't have value (totally unfamiliar with it
myself), just disagreeing with "only".

[1] This means actually disabling autorun, and not just following
Microsoft's guidance on how to disable autorun.  Microsoft got it
wrong at least twice.

-- Ben

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