We're seeing a larger emphasis placed on getting the user back up again, and
smaller staffs, so there's less troubleshooting and more re-imaging.  My son
attends an engineering school that issued tablets to everyone.  If the
problem isn't a really quick fix, they image the thing.  


Home users are doing the same thing.   We want nearly self-healing systems.


From: Andrew S. Baker [mailto:asbz...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 6:40 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Big Changes Ahead for IT - Anyone seen this?


The fact is that as technology becomes more prevalent, MOST people desire to
learn less about it.


The ubiquity of automobiles has not led to more auto mechanics, but rather
to an even smaller percentage of car owners being able to deal with even
routine maintenance on a vehicle.


There is no reason to believe that this trend will not manifest itself with
computer technology.


In order to make things
ogy-really-intersect.aspx> appear simple enough for the every-day user, the
complexity gets encapsulated somewhere -- typically in the integration


The main problem is the use of the terms "deploy IT apps" which probably
means something very different to them than it does to us.  Similar to how
people who can put together some basic macros think that they are

-ASB: http://XeeSM.com/AndrewBaker

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 8:52 AM, James Rankin <kz2...@googlemail.com> wrote:

My users can't get their usernames and passwords right. One person this
morning tried to use the mouse on the "Windows failed to start" screen and
phoned me to ask why the cursor wasn't showing. They regularly put the wrong
data into application fields and their grasp of spelling is atrocious. I can
hardly see these lot, within five years, becoming "advanced technological
users" who could be trusted to install software and manage Active Directory.
If you did let them install things, I would spend my entire day cleaning up
after them. Unless there is some massive evolution of the human race in the
very near future, I'd say the whole thrust of that article is nothing more
than hot air.

/User contempt end


On 26 May 2010 13:47, Jonathan Link <jonathan.l...@gmail.com> wrote:

Don't we see stories like this fairly often?  IIRC there was a WSJ article
last year that said much the same thing but was little more than a rant that
he wasn't able to install the software he wanted.



On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 11:51 PM, Angus Scott-Fleming <angu...@geoapps.com>

Sometimes you have to wonder ...

============= Included Stuff Follows =============
Big Changes Ahead for IT - Anyone seen this? - Spiceworks Community

   This link comes from eWeeks Editor's Pick newsletter. The article is
   titled: "Radical Reductions in IT Workforce Ahead"
   By Edward Cone, CIO Insight
   May 21, 2010

   Jobs may move to other areas of the company, be outsourced--or just
   go away.

============= Included Stuff Ends =============
More here with links:
260> &c=24763&l=23&ctl=739AC:1A76A774489FFA8BAB70058F2260

   Part of what they are trying to indicate in these slides is that less
   25% of today's IT workforce will remain by 2015, IT CIO's and those
   working in IT overall will be less in charge of their destiny, and IT
   activities will devolve to business units and will become consolidated
   with other departments like HR, Finance, etc. Almost everyone will be a
   knowledged worker and will in many ways be able to use and deploy IT apps
   and technology.

   Wow, I can't wait! I especially love slide # ....
-------------------- end of forward ---------------------
   Angus Scott-Fleming
   GeoApps, Tucson, Arizona
   Security Blog: http://geoapps.com/

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"On two occasions...I have been asked, 'Pray, Mr Babbage, if you put into
the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able
rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such
a question."






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