Not sure if this is common knowledge, but I'm guessing that it is:
I was looking into a workflow where I set the shot CDL as an input process,
with the show lut as a viewer process on top of that.

Unfortunately, the input process and viewer process do not concatenate. I
end up with milky blacks and flattened highlights. So at this stage, it
looks like I will only burn the CDL into the dailies (sRGB, jpeg sequence
and h.264) as I can burn in the CDL and the show lut without concatenation
issues and all appears as it should. It would just be handy if the comp
artist had the ability to enable/disable the input process underneath the
show lut, to see the effect of the CDL.

If anyone has any suggestions for how they do this, I'd be interested. Or,
maybe this is actually a bug, not a limitation? I'm on 10.0v4 Linux.

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