Right, I was going to add that maybe "concatenate" is too Shake-eque a
descriptor when referring to colour. The key thing I meant is "passes
through the full float value".

On 17 October 2016 at 21:51, christoph manz <ze.m...@gmx.net> wrote:

> On 10/17/16 at 3:32 AM, michaeld...@gmail.com (Michael Garrett) wrote:
>> Operationally Nuke wont concatenate any colour ops, only transforms.
>> Er, are you sure about that? ;D
> I guess it depends on the definition of "concatenate", but if you use it
> in the way shake used it, according to the foundry, nuke won't...
> from:
> http://help.thefoundry.co.uk/nuke/9.0/content/comp_environme
> nt/transforming_elements/node_concatenation.html
> "Color nodes do not concatenate because Nuke works in a 32-bit float,
> which is enough to avoid banding and visible round-off errors in color."
> I seem to remember that they also said that their 32bit engine is so much
> faster then shake that it's not worth it.
> chris
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