On Wed, 2018-05-23 at 23:48 +0200, Sebastian Berg wrote:
> On Wed, 2018-05-23 at 17:33 -0400, Allan Haldane wrote:


> If we do not plan to replace it within numpy, we need to discuss a
> bit
> how it might affect infrastructure (multiple implementations....).
> There is the other discussion about how to replace it. By opening
> up/creating new masked dtypes or similar (cool but unclear how
> complex/long term) or `__array_ufunc__` based (relatively simple,
> will
> get rid of the nastier hacks that are currently needed).
> Or even both, just on different time scales?

I also somewhat like the idea of taking it out (once we have a first
replacement) in the case that we have a plan to do a better/lower level
replacement at a later point within numpy.
Removal generally has its merits, but if a (mid term) replacement will
come in any case, it would be nice to get those started first if
Otherwise downstream might end up having to fix up things twice.

- Sebastian

> My first gut feeling about the proposal is: I love the idea to get
> rid
> of it... but lets not do it, it does feel like it makes too much
> infrastructure unclear.
> - Sebastian
> > 
> > Allan
> > 
> > 
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