On 08/02/2018 09:25 AM, Ralf Gommers wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 3:35 AM, Marten van Kerkwijk
> <m.h.vankerkw...@gmail.com <mailto:m.h.vankerkw...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I think a legalistic focus on the letter rather than the spirit of
>     the code of conduct is not that helpful (and probably what makes if
>     feel US centric - funny how court systems end up shaping countries).
>     My preference would be to keep exactly the scipy version, so that at
>     least for these two highly related project there is just one code of
>     conduct. But for what it is worth, it does seem to me political
>     views belongs on the list - certainly as likely to give problems
>     historically as for any of the others on the list.
> +1 to all of that. If as a result of this discussion we'd want to amend
> the CoC, let's do that to the SciPy version first (or as well) to keep
> things in sync.

+1, I've just read through all this discussion, and I favor this
approach too.

I overall agree with Scipy CoC and would be fine accepting it as is.

I might prefer it to be shorter and less legalistic as well. One of the
goals of the CoC is to attract new and diverse contributors, but we
don't want to push anyone away with a scary legal document either. But
CoCs are a fairly new and somewhat untested phenomenon in open source,
so given that the scipy CoC seems like a good and reasonable effort.

By the way, I thought these articles on CoCs were interesting [1][2],
including the interviews with open-source CoC creators on their
experience in [1] on pros and cons of "rule-based" CoCs.


[1] Tourani, Adams and Serebrenik, "Code of conduct in open source
projects," 2017 IEEE 24th International Conference on SANER, Klagenfurt,
2017, pp. 24-33.


> Cheers,
> Ralf
>     If we do end up with a different version, I'd prefer a really short
>     one, like just stating the golden rule (treat others as one would
>     like to be treated oneself).
>     -- Marten>     _______________________________________________
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