On 04/10/2012 02:11 AM, Travis Oliphant wrote:
> Hi all,
> Some of you are aware of Numba.   Numba allows you to create the equivalent 
> of C-function's dynamically from Python.   One purpose of this system is to 
> allow NumPy to take these functions and use them in operations like ufuncs, 
> generalized ufuncs, file-reading, fancy-indexing, and so forth.  There are 
> actually many use-cases that one can imagine for such things.
> One question is how do you pass this function pointer to the C-side.    On 
> the Python side, Numba allows you to get the raw integer address of the 
> equivalent C-function pointer that it just created out of the Python code.    
> One can think of this as a 32- or 64-bit integer that you can cast to a 
> C-function pointer.
> Now, how should this C-function pointer be passed from Python to NumPy?   One 
> approach is just to pass it as an integer --- in other words have an API in C 
> that accepts an integer as the first argument that the internal function 
> interprets as a C-function pointer.
> This is essentially what ctypes does when creating a ctypes function pointer 
> out of:
>    func = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(restype, *argtypes)(integer)
> Of course the problem with this is that you can easily hand it integers which 
> don't make sense and which will cause a segfault when control is passed to 
> this "function"
> We could also piggy-back on-top of Ctypes and assume that a ctypes 
> function-pointer object is passed in.   This allows some error-checking at 
> least and also has the benefit that one could use ctypes to access a 
> c-function library where these functions were defined. I'm leaning towards 
> this approach.
> Now, the issue is how to get the C-function pointer (that npy_intp integer) 
> back and hand it off internally.   Unfortunately, ctypes does not make it 
> very easy to get this address (that I can see).    There is no ctypes C-API, 
> for example.    There are two potential options:
>       1) Create an API for such Ctypes function pointers in NumPy and use the 
> ctypes object structure.  If ctypes were to ever change it's object structure 
> we would have to adapt this API.
>       Something like this is what is envisioned here:
>            typedef struct {
>                               PyObject_HEAD
>                               char *b_ptr;
>                    } _cfuncptr_object;
>       then the function pointer is:
>           (*((void **)(((_sp_cfuncptr_object *)(obj))->b_ptr)))
>       which could be wrapped-up into a nice little NumPy C-API call like
>       void * Npy_ctypes_funcptr(obj)
>       2) Use the Python API of ctypes to do the same thing.   This has the 
> advantage of not needing to mirror the simple _cfuncptr_object structure in 
> NumPy but it is *much* slower to get the address.   It basically does the 
> equivalent of
>       ctypes.cast(obj, ctypes.c_void_p).value
>       There is working code for this in the ctypes_callback branch of my 
> scipy fork on github.
> I would like to propose two things:
>       * creating a Npy_ctypes_funcptr(obj) function in the C-API of NumPy and
>       * implement it with the simple pointer dereference above (option #1)
> Thoughts?

I really hope we can find some project-neutral common ground, so that 
lots of tools (Cython, f2py, numba, C extensions in NumPy and SciPy) can 
agree on how to "unbox callables".

A new extension type in NumPy would not fit this bill I feel. I've 
created a specification for this; if a number of projects (the ones 
mentioned above) agree on this or something similar and implement 
support, we could propose a PEP and do it properly once it has proven 


In Cython, this may take the form

def call_callback(object func):
     cdef double (*typed_func)(int)
     typed_func = func
     return typed_func(4)

...it would be awesome if passing a Numba-compiled function just worked 
in this example.

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