Here is the USB snoop of the data going to/from the UPS.  
It was made the following way:

1.  get usb snoop configured, plug in UPS so that a device appeared
in the applications list, unplug UPS.
2.  select UPS USB device and click "install" in usb snoop to start logging.
3.  plug in the USB cable connecting the UPS.
4.  Start the WinPower (aka upspilot) application.
5.  In WinPower see the data values returned. This showed voltages
around 114V, load at around 35%, and status Normal.  The information
shown was very "light" compared to some other UPS units I have seen.  I
did not send the UPS any explicit commands (shutdown or test), but
WinPower may have sent some requests for data all by itself.
6.  Turn off Winpower
7.  Unplug the USB cable

The log file is available here (this is a retrieve only link, the
directory it is in cannot be listed)

The messages coming back seem to be very short, and most of the bytes
are outside of the printable characters for the ASCII range.  Hopefully
this will look familiar to the Megatec driver developers.


David Mathog
Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech

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