On Wed, 21 May 2008 02:22:17 +0400, David Mathog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here is the USB snoop of the data going to/from the UPS.
> It was made the following way:
> 1.  get usb snoop configured, plug in UPS so that a device appeared
> in the applications list, unplug UPS.
> 2.  select UPS USB device and click "install" in usb snoop to start logging.
> 3.  plug in the USB cable connecting the UPS.
> 4.  Start the WinPower (aka upspilot) application.
> 5.  In WinPower see the data values returned. This showed voltages
> around 114V, load at around 35%, and status Normal.  The information
> shown was very "light" compared to some other UPS units I have seen.  I
> did not send the UPS any explicit commands (shutdown or test), but
> WinPower may have sent some requests for data all by itself.
> 6.  Turn off Winpower
> 7.  Unplug the USB cable
> The log file is available here (this is a retrieve only link, the
> directory it is in cannot be listed)
> http://saf.bio.caltech.edu/pub/pickup/maruson_usb.txt
> The messages coming back seem to be very short, and most of the bytes
> are outside of the printable characters for the ASCII range.  Hopefully
> this will look familiar to the Megatec driver developers.

Looks much better now!
Here is the output after some conversion:

#120.0 012 048.0 60.0
#120.0 012 048.0 60.0
(114.2 114.2 114.2 034 60.0 54.0 51.7 00001000
#120.0 012 048.0 60.0
#120.0 012 048.0 60.0
(114.2 114.2 114.2 034 60.0 54.0 51.7 00001000
#120.0 012 048.0 60.0
#120.0 012 048.0 60.0
(114.1 114.1 114.1 034 60.0 54.0 51.7 00001000
#120.0 012 048.0 60.0
#120.0 012 048.0 60.0
(114.0 114.1 114.1 034 60.0 54.0 51.5 00001000

This is certainly megatec protocol.
It seems that megatec_usb does not read these strings correctly.
Sorry, I cannot spend time more on this at the moment. Please try
the latest trunk as I've written and report back the results.


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