On Feb 17, 2024, at 7:57 AM, Jim Klimov wrote:
Other than that, I think the mailing list service we get from alioth comes "as 
is", not sure we can configure much about it. Can check, but not really inclined to 
- let humans decide how to best post and what is correct for each case :)

On 17.02.24 11:09, Charles Lepple via Nut-upsuser wrote:
I think this made more sense before, when the mailing list didn't *add* a Reply-To that goes to the individual sender.

Since the defaults have changed, and there seems to be no option for "don't add Reply-To" (see my previous email with links to applicable documentation), I personally think the default should be changed to reply to the list (which individual senders can still override).

Unfortunately this is the only (sane) way to put OP address into headers (since From: has to be mailing list).

At least the only that comes to my mind now.
On 17.02.24 11:17, Greg Troxel via Nut-upsuser wrote:
I would guess that reply-to is getting added because of header munging.
Turn off munging and this all goes away.

This requires turning off header munging (adding Subject: prefix),
body munging (addign list signature)

and still, if someone from domain with DMARC but without DKIM signature (they exist) sent mail, it would either need to be rejected, or still munged. Otherwise the list server risks getting bounces.

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