On 21/07/2012, at 22:55, Charles Lepple wrote:
>> Does anyone know if this is possible? A setting like this would provide some 
>> hysteresis for successive power failures which would be handy to have :)
> I don't know about that specific hardware, but the variables which would 
> control this are battery.charge.restart ("Minimum battery level for UPS 
> restart after power-off") and ups.delay.start ("Interval to wait before 
> restarting the load (seconds)"). Check the output of "upsrw <ups>" to see if 
> that variable is supported with your combination of UPS and driver.

OK thanks.

> Which version of NUT are you using? There might be a newmge-shut driver 
> included as well.

It's quite old - 2.4.1. I could try 2.6.4 though, I will need to reconnect the 
hardware though (the EX 11 takes up quite a bit of space :)

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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