On 27/07/2012, at 17:36, Daniel O'Connor wrote:

> On 21/07/2012, at 22:55, Charles Lepple wrote:
>>> Does anyone know if this is possible? A setting like this would provide 
>>> some hysteresis for successive power failures which would be handy to have 
>>> :)
>> I don't know about that specific hardware, but the variables which would 
>> control this are battery.charge.restart ("Minimum battery level for UPS 
>> restart after power-off") and ups.delay.start ("Interval to wait before 
>> restarting the load (seconds)"). Check the output of "upsrw <ups>" to see if 
>> that variable is supported with your combination of UPS and driver.
>> Which version of NUT are you using? There might be a newmge-shut driver 
>> included as well.
> I tried mge-shut in 2.6 with no change, but newmge-shut with 2.6 showed this 
> parameter, thanks!

Unfortunately it doesn't appear to have any effect, ie..
Aug 02 11:34:04 ups1@localhost upslog[1524] load: 18 temp: NA voltage: 0.0 
recharge: 65 frequency: 0.0 status: OB DISCHRG
Aug 02 11:39:04 ups1@localhost upslog[1524] load: 18 temp: NA voltage: 0.0 
recharge: 50 frequency: 0.0 status: OB DISCHRG
Aug 02 11:39:14 ups1@localhost upslog[1524] load: 18 temp: NA voltage: 0.0 
recharge: 50 frequency: 0.0 status: FSD OB DISCHRG LB
Aug 02 11:53:01 ups1@localhost upslog[1524] load: 17 temp: NA voltage: 225.0 
recharge: 8 frequency: 49.0 status: OL CHRG
Aug 02 11:58:01 ups1@localhost upslog[1524] load: 18 temp: NA voltage: 225.0 
recharge: 11 frequency: 50.0 status: OL CHRG

Remaining battery level when UPS switches to LB (percent)
Value: 50

Minimum battery level for restart after power off (percent)
Value: 60

UPS starts when mains is (re)applied
Value: yes

Allow to start UPS from battery
Value: no

UPS reboots when power returns during shutdown delay
Value: no

I have the following ups.conf entry..
        driver = newmge-shut
        port = /dev/cuau1
        ondelay = 190
        offdelay = 120

The delay is because I am using FreeBSD and it does not remount the disks read 
only - the shutdown script calls 'upsdrvctl sutdown' when everything is still 
mounted read/write.

I added some debugging to my shutdown script and upsdrvctl is exiting with a 0 
code so I think it's doing the right thing.

Unfortunately this UPS is remote so testing it is difficult :(

Any suggestions welcome :)

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
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  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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