Hi Dan,

2012/8/3 Daniel O'Connor <docon...@gsoft.com.au>

> On 27/07/2012, at 17:36, Daniel O'Connor wrote:
> >
> > On 21/07/2012, at 22:55, Charles Lepple wrote:
> >>> Does anyone know if this is possible? A setting like this would
> provide some hysteresis for successive power failures which would be handy
> to have :)
> >>
> >> I don't know about that specific hardware, but the variables which
> would control this are battery.charge.restart ("Minimum battery level for
> UPS restart after power-off") and ups.delay.start ("Interval to wait before
> restarting the load (seconds)"). Check the output of "upsrw <ups>" to see
> if that variable is supported with your combination of UPS and driver.
> >>
> >> Which version of NUT are you using? There might be a newmge-shut driver
> included as well.
> >
> > I tried mge-shut in 2.6 with no change, but newmge-shut with 2.6 showed
> this parameter, thanks!
> Unfortunately it doesn't appear to have any effect, ie..
> Aug 02 11:34:04 ups1@localhost upslog[1524] load: 18 temp: NA voltage:
> 0.0 recharge: 65 frequency: 0.0 status: OB DISCHRG
> Aug 02 11:39:04 ups1@localhost upslog[1524] load: 18 temp: NA voltage:
> 0.0 recharge: 50 frequency: 0.0 status: OB DISCHRG
> Aug 02 11:39:14 ups1@localhost upslog[1524] load: 18 temp: NA voltage:
> 0.0 recharge: 50 frequency: 0.0 status: FSD OB DISCHRG LB
> Aug 02 11:53:01 ups1@localhost upslog[1524] load: 17 temp: NA voltage:
> 225.0 recharge: 8 frequency: 49.0 status: OL CHRG
> Aug 02 11:58:01 ups1@localhost upslog[1524] load: 18 temp: NA voltage:
> 225.0 recharge: 11 frequency: 50.0 status: OL CHRG
> [battery.charge.low]
> Remaining battery level when UPS switches to LB (percent)
> Type: STRING
> Value: 50
> [battery.charge.restart]
> Minimum battery level for restart after power off (percent)
> Type: STRING
> Value: 60

as stated in the description, you must go through a "power off" or status
off, for this to work
Ie, once you reach "FSD OB LB", the shutoff (UPS poweroff) command must be
applied to the UPS.
once off, and the power is back, it will wait for battery.charge.restart
level to be reached before reapplying power to its output.
for manual / unit testing, you must issue an "upscmd ... load.off |
shutdown.return" or equivalent, to get the OFF ups.status

> [ups.start.auto]
> UPS starts when mains is (re)applied
> Type: STRING
> Value: yes
> [ups.start.battery]
> Allow to start UPS from battery
> Type: STRING
> Value: no
> [ups.start.reboot]
> UPS reboots when power returns during shutdown delay
> Type: STRING
> Value: no
> I have the following ups.conf entry..
> [ups1]
>         driver = newmge-shut
>         port = /dev/cuau1
>         ondelay = 190
>         offdelay = 120
> The delay is because I am using FreeBSD and it does not remount the disks
> read only - the shutdown script calls 'upsdrvctl sutdown' when everything
> is still mounted read/write.

isn't 'upsdrvctl shutdown' called around the end of the halt script, once
HD are in RO mode, or just before?

> I added some debugging to my shutdown script and upsdrvctl is exiting with
> a 0 code so I think it's doing the right thing.
> Unfortunately this UPS is remote so testing it is difficult :(
> Any suggestions welcome :)

hope it helps.

Linux / Unix / Opensource Engineering Expert - Eaton -
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org
Debian Developer - http://www.debian.org
Free Software Developer - http://arnaud.quette.fr
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