Instead of breaking your AUP, choose an ISP that is friendly to wireless sharing, AceDSL (for the Verizon CLEC), and Bway.Net (for the Covad CLEC) are recommmend. We have talked with both of them, and they are fine with DSL connections being used in the NYCwireless sharing fashion. NYCwireless recommends that you read and abide by your AUP/TOS.
Having WEP, even simple WEP on a node kind of defeats the purpose of having an easy to access node. TWC probably got the information to send out these letters from the maps database, from people who specified they were using RoadRunner as the connection method. Instead of specifying their exact ISP some other users specify, "Cable", "For me to know and you to find out ;)", "Own Built". --Terry -- NYCwireless - Un/Subscribe: Archives: