This thread is getting silly, and is not relevant to the purposes of the group - if possible, could the thread be limited to the interested parties - if you want to be on this, please send an e-mail to Michael, Jim and Vic, and then they will involve only you - and not the whole group.


Jim Henry wrote:

   If you honestly believe the war with Iraq was for the reason you list,
then you need to diversify your news sources and get informed. Additionally,
Vic and I have been civil and tried to discuss this intelligently. I see no
reason to resort to  name calling, as now both us us have been called
"Kool-aid drinker". That's usually what happens when one side of an issue
can no longer support its argument with facts.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 3:16 AM
To: vic
Cc: Cienfuegos;
Subject: Re: This thread is getting silly, and is not relevant to the purposes of the group - if possible, could the thread be limited to the interested parties - if you want to be on this, please send an e-mail to Michael or Jim, and then they will involve only you - and not the whole group.

[nycwireless] govt. subsidy and broadband

On 1/8/06, vic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
They said they had "nuclear capabilities" not "nuke
weapons". There is
What "nuclear" capabilities did they find?

difference. Well lets say you go walking down the street
and you see a
gun... you pick it up you look in the chamber and it is
empty. A gun
with out bullets is still a weapon. All you have to do is put the bullets in. BTW
No, let's say you invaded a country for an empty tractor trailer and 3,000 U.S. soldiers died because of it. An empty "laboratory" is a weapon?

I don't think the people from Alabama appreciate your
comment. "You"
are safe because people have gone and died to keep "you" safe. Be a little more appreciative.
I have a cousin permanently disabled from his service in Iraq and more than one friend currently in the desert. Don't question my patriotism.

get with the program and stop trying to be cute.
BTW it's "ciao" not "cio" Kool-Aid drinker.

NYCwireless -

NYCwireless -

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