On Sun, 2006-03-19 at 18:24 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Um
> a) Our space in 55 broad is not subsidized. We are paying the full
> market
> rate.

That WHOLE BUILDING is currently subsidized otherwise your "Market" rate
would be much higher, something I'm sure you noticed when shopping for a

> b) We are providing services to other tenants of 55 Broad via
> in-building
> fiber that we fully pay for. No Verizon.

Who gives a rat about this.  Your in the business of providing ASDL to
homes, and that uses Verizon.  Your PTP connection to Queens uses
Verizon lines for that matter (unless 55 Broad has suddenly grown to
Twin Tower size). 

So how does what your saying have anything to do with the current
discussion, or the side discussion of your dependence on Verizon for
your business.

 All those clients now use you as a common carrier.  They already have
legal rights and protections.  The Network Neutrality bills floating
around, proposed by those communists at Google, are intended to just
strengthen those rights and prevetn someone like you using their common
carrier status to interfere with public commerce.

DRM is Theft

> c) We have other buildings nearby "lit" via our own wireless or other
> carriers' DS1 or ethernet circuits, and provide IP services. There's
> no
> Verizon in the picture either.
> d) We have customers out in Queens to whom we are doing point-point
> wireless DS3 circuits. No Verizon.

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