Jones Beach West End 27 July

After the weekend activities, the island in front of the marina was free of 
boaters, sunbathers and campers. There were  11 species of shorebirds including 
100 American Oystercatchers (I counted 104); 50+Black-bellied Plover; 20 Red 
Knot, some still in plumage, a dozen Short-billed Dowitcher, some in plumage 
and smaller numbers of others.

The swale had a single Killdeer in the center. As I approached, it did its 
broken wing bit and then flew off (number 12 for the morn).  This is either a 
re-nest due to earlier flooding or a second brood. 

Down on the beach, to the west, there was a group of 150-200 Sanderling resting 
on the beach just above the wrack line

The most interesting, of course, was a Lesser Black-backed Gull on the parking 
lot. This unusual summer plumaged gull had adult legs, bill, head color without 
streaking, pale eye color with proper orbital ring color  and charcoal back, 
but had very worn BROWN greater coverts and tertials. My photos do not match 
anything in the books.  An adult in arrested development?  

Sy Schiff

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