Every once in a while, a birding day goes so well, you just can't believe how 
much you enjoy it.   Arlene Borko and I started out early this morning, meeting 
a group of our friends at the Bashakill.  Scott Baldinger, Ed Morse, Gary 
VanHouten, Ken McDermott, Steve Sckyler and a few others all got together to 
try for some of the birds seen over the last couple of days.  We were not 
disappointed.  At the Pine Boat Launch at the Bashakill we had PINE WARBLER  
and YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER.   On the Birch Trail we added several PALM WARBLERS. 
 All the usually expected ducks, Ring-necked, Black, Bufflehead, Common and 
Hooded Merganser etc were seen. The Barred Owl which has been at the launch the 
last couple of weeks did not call this mornging, but we still had it yesterday. 
 The Snow Goose at the Main Boat Launch apparently headed out overnight.  The 
drake CANVASBACK was still present just west of the Nature Trail.  A flock of 
CHIPPING SPARROWS was a first of the year for all of us.  From there we headed 
up-county to try for some things we have missed in the valley.  A breeding 
plumaged HORNED GREBE  was among the many Common Mergansers on Kiamesha Lake.  
Morningside Park had relatively few birds with a DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT being 
the only bird of note.  After a rest this afternoon, a few friends went out for 
dinner.  Arlene and I then headed to Pine Kill Road to try for AMERICAN 
WOODCOCK, which Arlene didn't have yet.  When we stepped out of the car, there 
were Woodcock peenting and fluttering all around.  The sound that struck me 
however was quite different.  I excitedly proclaimed NORTHERN SAW-WHET OWL!!  
The owl called incessantly over the next half an hour.  Scott and Paula 
Baldinger were able to come and hear the bird for fifteen minutes until we 
finally pulled ourselves away. A great day! John Haas


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L

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