On 2010-06-03, at 7:54 AM, Thomas Hardjono wrote:

> Dick, Brian,
> Thanks for the clarification.
> - Is the Assertion Flow designed only for the STS,
> or can it be used with other "identity providers" (non-WSS).

It can be used with any tokens. I use the STS term to clarify the design 

> - Also, is it the expectation that a "profile" of OAuth2.0
> be created to address certain use-cases.

Such as?

> PS. Compared to the details of RFC4120 and even
> to the old ISAKMP in the IETF, the current
> OAuth2.0 draft-05 spec appear to be a high-level framework
> that needs to be instantiated/profiled.

Agreed there are some aspects of OAuth that are left to other documentation. 
Standardizing what can easily be standardized has proven very useful to 

-- Dick

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