On Jun 1, 2011, at 10:18 AM, Brian Eaton wrote:

> And it would meet the requirement of having a clear path forward for
> people who don't want to trust native apps to keep secrets really
> secret.

I just want to re-iterate my point from a few months ago that it necessarily 
helpful to draw the line for secret protection between native and non-native 
apps. For our users we're going to use the terms VERIFIABLE and FORGEABLE with 
respect to client identity. We'll help users determine if the can keep secrets 
or not. Developers who understand they can't keep secrets will understand their 
app identity to be forgeable (and thus they will not be issued secrets).  Most 
native apps will be forgeable thus we'll point them in this direction, but 
there will be exceptions (especially with partners with protected app 

My point is, we should focus on having developers understand if and why their 
app can't keep secrets, not merely thinking "oh, this is app is native so I 
have to do it this way."

Verifyable and Forgeable were the best terms we've come up with so far in 
attempt to put a label on "apps that can keep secrets" and "apps that can't 
keep secrets," respectively.

There are some aspects of OAuth flow that are unique to native apps (mostly on 
account of the app not executing in a user agent), but ability to keep secrets 
is not a property shared or exclusive to all native apps.  (Some web apps might 
not be able to keep secrets based on open development or deployment model).

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