Chuck Mortimore wrote:
> A number of us in the community have been working on a general model
> for the use of Assertions in OAuth2 for both client authentication, as well
> as authorization grants.  We’ve reached general consensus on a doc
> that I’ve published as a draft

This document is intended to replace the SAML and Bearer Token
documents, and those two will then be "profiles", defining specific
assertion mechanisms.  We would like to have them submit the
restructured doc as a working-group document before the 4 July
deadline, so we'd like to get any objections to this approach heard by
3 July.  I'm sorry for the very short notice, and you can blame that
solely on the chairs.  Chuck posted the draft about two weeks ago.


The editors can answer any questions you have about how the document
restructuring is being done.  We will approve
draft-ietf-oauth-assertions for submission as a working-group draft,
pending consideration of objections.  Again, please have a quick look
(it's short), and post objections by 3 July.  Thanks.

Barry, as chair
OAuth mailing list

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