This kind of fully automated approach isn't solved yet. OAuth isn't quite as simple as HTTP Basic and its kin, where the user agent can collect everything it needs directly and just push it back to the protected URL. In order for this to truly work, you need to have not just a pointer to the issuer, but a full dynamic registration and service discovery stack that the client knows about. For starters, the Client needs to know the Authorization Endpoint and Token Endpoint for the service, as well as which flows it supports. You'd probably want to know what kinds of token are supported, too. The authorization server needs to issue a Client ID and (probably) Client Secret to the Client to allow it to request tokens at all. Defining those is out of scope for the core specs, but there's some new work that's getting started around Host Meta (for discovery) and a dynamic client registration spec that will address some of the biggest parts of this.

 -- Justin

On 05/15/2012 08:12 AM, Sergey Shishkin wrote:
While designing a hypermedia-driven API I'm evaluating possibilities to use OAuth Bearer tokens for claims-based authorization. Currently I struggle with how to communicate to the API client the way to obtain the token. In a hypermedia-driven manner I don't want the API client to get this information out of band, but rather let the client "just follow the links".

The Bearer draft [] advises to send a 401 response with a WWW-Authenticate challenge specifying optional realm and scope. The problem here: neither realm nor scope identify the token issuer.

The OAuth 2.0 draft [] suggests to redirect the resource owner to the token issuer, IIRC. I like this way from the hypermedia perspective, but still have mixed feelings about missed 401 and WWW-Authenticate challenge.

Did I missed some part of draft covering my scenario? Are there any known grassroots implementations doing just that on the internet? Any opinion on the subject is very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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