Dear All,
My compliments to all the collaborators including David for making efforts
in answering the queries. However, I am of the opinion that we need to
answer some of the more fundamental questions before arriving at any

Let us first discuss if SD-JWT even meets the charter of the Working Group.
We can divide the charter into smaller chunks and try to address each of

Obj 1: The ongoing standardization efforts within the OAuth working group
focus on increasing interoperability of OAuth deployments and to improve
Ans: SD-JWT does not increase interoperability rather complicates it by
introducing additional parameters that have to be individually verified.
Also, it does not improve security as it fiddles with the original scopes
issued by the AS which have already been authorised by the resource owner.
The introduction of this into an already complex ecosystem is likely to
introduce a number of bugs as developers try to incorporate further
complexity. The Resource Servers might simply reject the reduced scope

Obj 2: More specifically, the working group is defining proof of possession
tokens, developing a discovery mechanism, providing guidance for the use of
OAuth with native apps, re-introducing the device flow used by devices with
limited user interfaces.
Ans: None of the above objectives are being met.

Obj 3: additional security enhancements for clients communicating with
multiple service providers.
Ans. No, as SD-JWT is preferring reduced scopes to RS only. Therefore, it
has no role to play.

Obj 4: definition of claims used with JSON Web Tokens.
Ans. No, as claims are preferred from the client applications to the AS in
the first place. Here, SD-JWT has no role to play.

Obj 5: Techniques to mitigate open redirector attacks, as well as guidance
on encoding state
Ans. Obviously No.

I am of the opinion that SD-JWT meets none of the objects set forward by
the WG. Let us ask some further questions

Q1. What is the need of this feature?
We have a client application that registers the scopes with the
Authorization Server in the first place. We have a resource owner
(end-user) who authorizes such claims. With the introduction of SD-JWT we
are again going back the full circle and asking client applications as to
what scopes it deems fit to disclose to the outside world, why on the earth
it asked for the scopes that it never needed in the first place.

Q2. It might not even meet the legal scrutiny. Why?
Ans. When the user has authorized some scopes it is equivalent to 'click
agreement'. Now, we are modifying those scopes with or without consent of
the user. The client application is not bound to ask the user before
preferring the SD-JWT claims to the Resource Server. Here we are
challenging the complete concept of OAuth 2.0.

Q3. Is adoption of SD-JWT recommended in any of the draft documents like
OAuth 2.1 or Best Security Practices?
Ans. As of now we have not found any suitable place for introducing it into
the ecosystem.

Q3. Is there any other WG which is trying to solve the similar problem of
Ans. Yes, WG-JWP (JSON Web Proofs) may be a more suitable place for the
adoption of SD-JWT as they are working on a similar set of problems.
They are actively seeking participation in the area of SD-JWT.

In my opinion, the SD-JWT is well thought out and a lot of hard work has
gone behind it. However, this WG is not the right place for adoption as we
have to work on more serious and immediate issues at hand. We may consider
its adoption at a later time frame when we gain more maturity on how things
are going forward.

Regards and Best Wishes
Jaimandeep Singh

On Thu, Aug 4, 2022 at 9:17 PM David Chadwick <> wrote:

> Answers inline below
> On 03/08/2022 14:57, Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:
> Am 02.08.2022 um 19:30 schrieb David Chadwick
> <>
> <>:
> Hi Torsten
> your use case sounds like an online use case, not an offline one. So its a
> question of balancing a long lived SD-JWT along with a revocation mechanism
> vs a short lived minimal JWT containing just the claims that are needed.
> That’s correct.
> I thought that SAML, OAuth2 and OIDC had opted for short lived
> non-revocable claims rather than long lived revocable ones due to the
> experiences of using revocation with X.509 PKCs.
> SAML and OIDC are considerably simple, flexible, and secure solutions to
> the challenges of selective disclosure, direct identifiers, and current
> claim values.
> However they tend to support maximum privileges/attribute release rather
> than minimum privileges because they are provided at user login, before the
> RP knows what the user wants to do. So often more user PII  than is
> required is released. OIDC4VPs allows us to solve this with SD and
> incremental releases of claims as the user progressively request to do more
> sensitive transactions. (By the way this is what we implemented in a
> non-standard way prior to the W3C VC DM being published. It is documented
> in the IEEE Comms Standard, viz:
> David W Chadwick, Romain Laborde, Arnaud Oglaza, Remi Venant, Samer Wazan,
> Manreet Nijjar “Improved Identity Management with Verifiable Credentials
> and FIDO”. IEEE Communications Standards Magazine. Vol 3, Issue 4, Dec
> 2019, Pages 14-20)
> They are an excellent solution for Web SSO. However, they require the IDP
> to be always on, an online connection to the RP, and share a lot of
> metadata with the IDP.
> I would think that always online is not an issue in today's interconnected
> world. Rather users expect everything to online 24/24 as do businesses. I
> suspect any service that is not online 24/24 is the odd one out and
> disliked by most people. Plus the revocation service has to online 24/24
> X.509 certificate never had those problems, but are inflexible and require
> revocation. Verifiable Credentials to me are more like X.509 certs but with
> more flexibility, simpler to use data formats, and the option to
> selectively disclose claims.
> So the question merely is what parameters to optimize for.
> Agreed, its all about making choices and balancing security, privacy,
> usability and trust
> The current thinking I perceive is to give users long lived credentials,
> which means the issuer doesn’t need to be always on, there is no need for
> online connection, and the issuer does not get any metadata on when, what
> kind of claims is being used. This also makes offline use of such
> credentials an obvious option.
> Which essentially boils down to short lived unrevocable vs. long lived
> revocable. The mDL solution of a relatively long lived credentials without
> revocation might be OK for a driving license that changes infrequently. But
> this is not a model that will satisfy all verifiable credentials. Also mDL
> does mean that the IDP will need to be almost always online for users to
> refresh their credentials when they have expired.
> In a way you are swapping the IDP being always on, to the revocation
> service being always on and an IDP that is periodically on to update it.
> The problem we have seen with this approach in the X.509 world, is that if
> the revocation service is not available, browsers have switched from a hard
> fail (which the standard mandates) to a soft fail so that the users can
> continue working, which leads to an obvious vulnerability of using a
> revoked certificate. If the IDP is not on, then a hard fail is inevitable
> with OIDC, and users will soon require the service to resume again so that
> they can get back to work. So the latter is more secure though less usable
> (which X.509 used to support with its hard fail). I suspect that in some
> use cases (maybe financial ones?) hard fails are preferable to soft fails?
> However, the lifecycle of such credentials needs to be managed. I think
> revocation lists are an ok solution to that problem. I don’t see how the
> issuer could learn where a credential is being used with revocation lists
> as the verifier will just download the whole list for evaluation and
> revocation lists typically do not authenticate the verifier. Which leaves
> the IP address of the verifier as metadata without any further context.
> True, a well designed revocation scheme leaks less information to the IDP.
> I think the issuer part of it is more complex than people currently
> believe since issuers need to maintain a list of the credentials they
> issued (not needed in OIDC). Updates to credential data need to be
> published and last but not least, there needs to be away to let credentials
> be revoked. E.g. an user or a wallet provider might need to ask an issuer
> to revoke a certain credential because of abuse.
> Does this not imply that the IDP has to always on for the user to report a
> problem??? Which was something you wanted to escape from.
> That’s gone be though.
> Seems like the above was a typo.
> That might be the reason why ISO mDL uses expiration (I guess weeks to
> month) instead of revocation. And the wheel starts to turn again …
> Exactly. Because there is no perfect solution, but only one that
> compromises one feature for another. So in the end if the users decide
> which is preferrable, it will mean that usability wins and trumps security
> and privacy concerns!! If service providers decide they may opt for hard
> fails with security and privacy trumping usability.
> Which brings me to the conclusion that long lived one-time use VCs with
> soft revocation (i.e. continue as if everything is OK if revocation info is
> not available) with blinded property names and values is the best
> compromise from a usability perspective i.e. one time use privacy enhanced
> SD-JWTs. I wonder how many wallets can currently handle this? I guess zero
> at the moment, but its an objective worth aiming for. Alternatively short
> lived one-time use VCs with no revocation, that are issued periodically or
> on demand (dependent upon the validity period) is the best option from a
> security and privacy perspective. If the IDP is not available the user will
> not be able to do any work once his stock of short lived credentials are
> exhausted.
> Do you agree?
> Kind regards
> David
> Kind regards
> David
> On 02/08/2022 10:47, Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:
> Am 02.08.2022 um 11:06 schrieb Warren Parad <>:
> I was following your train of thought, let me paste that here for
> transparency, you specifically said:
>> In an OAuth scenario, the user‘s wallet would act as AS and issue access
>> tokens (those could be short lived) that effectively are verifiable
>> presentations (based on a verifiable credential) audience restricted for a
>> certain RS. The client wouldn’t even know it’s a verifiable presentation
>> since the access token is opaque to the client.
> Which I replied:
>> If the user's wallet acts as the AS issuing tokens, then there is zero
>> need for this draft because we could pass the *scopes* that relate to
>> the claims directly to the AS, and have the AS return a limited JWT, and we
>> would actually do that every time because:
>>    1. we can
>>    2. because the tokens have short lifetime
>> So that isn't a valid argument, unless there's a reason why the AS
>> wouldn't be able to do this.
> In this conversation, I'm still not able to parse what you are saying.
> Yes, of course the user having a physical device (as the AS) to issue
> tokens is privacy enhancing, but then we don't need this draft as I just
> proved. Or are you talking about a different point?
> In the model I envision, OAuth clients are able to obtain access tokens
> for the user’s services through the user’s wallet. Since the wallet is not
> the AS the RS trusts, I would like to utilize verifiable credentials as
> basis for issuing access tokens from the wallet. That means the credential
> is issued by the AS and the wallet can mint access tokens containing a
> presentation of such a credential. From a RSs standpoint this retains the
> standard trust model since the RS only accepts access tokens containing a
> credential from an AS it trusts.
> I also assume that a single AS is managing access to several RSs as that
> was the case in almost all deployments I was involved with.
> I think the most efficient and flexible way to implement this scenario is
> to issue a single SD-JWT based credential and to mint RS-specific access
> token as needed by using SD-JWT’s selective disclosure capabilities. So an
> access token for the user’s contacts API would only include the claims
> needed for this service (e.g. the privilege to use the service) whereas an
> access token for the streaming API would include the data needed there
> (e.g. authorised channel lists and so on).
> On Tue, Aug 2, 2022 at 10:54 AM Torsten Lodderstedt <torsten=
>> wrote:
>> Am 02.08.2022 um 10:48 schrieb Warren Parad <wparad=
>> Can you please reread what you wrote and rephrase it differently? Telling
>> us to look at the OAuth JWT RFC isn't helpful here.
>> You say the AS can issue an access token every time and I say the wallet
>> can issue access tokens on its own without the need to go back to the AS
>> every time again. That’s privacy enhancing and helps scalability.
>> Also it isn't clear which part of your statement you are trying to
>> clarify. What does "original AS" mean? Are you suggesting a "multi AS"
>> configuration? What does that look like?
>> On Tue, Aug 2, 2022 at 10:44 AM Torsten Lodderstedt <torsten=
>>> wrote:
>>> Am 02.08.2022 um 10:35 schrieb Warren Parad <wparad=
>>> Why would we not include those seemingly critical details in the draft
>>> then?
>>>    1. Let's define what a *verifiable presentation *is (is that already
>>>    defined somewhere? I didn't see it in the draft)
>>>    2. Require the JWTs to be signed with a private key from a
>>>    certificate chain, and include the whole certificate chain in the body. 
>>> (I
>>>    don't think there is already a RFC for this, but I could be wrong)
>>> Let's also talk about this comment:
>>>> In an OAuth scenario, the user‘s wallet would act as AS and issue
>>>> access tokens (those could be short lived) that effectively are verifiable
>>>> presentations (based on a verifiable credential) audience restricted for a
>>>> certain RS. The client wouldn’t even know it’s a verifiable presentation
>>>> since the access token is opaque to the client.
>>> If the user's wallet acts as the AS issuing tokens, then there is zero
>>> need for this draft because we could pass the *scopes* that relate to
>>> the claims directly to the AS, and have the AS return a limited JWT, and we
>>> would actually do that every time because:
>>>    1. we can
>>>    2. because the tokens have short lifetime
>>> So that isn't a valid argument, unless there's a reason why the AS
>>> wouldn't be able to do this.
>>> Well, how many access tokens have you seen in the wild that only contain
>>> an access token? I haven’t, any of the carriers some for of user claims,
>>> e.g. a sub, in most cases some privileges/roles. Please take a look at
>>> for best current practice.
>>> Using a VC in the way I described means the original AS doesn’t need to
>>> be involved in the
>>> On Tue, Aug 2, 2022 at 10:14 AM Torsten Lodderstedt <torsten=
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Am 02.08.2022 um 09:53 schrieb Warren Parad <wparad=
>>>> If we are in a offline scenario how does the verifier got ahold of the
>>>> public key associated with the id token?
>>>> Why id token? I would assume we are talking about verifiable
>>>> presentations, right?
>>>> There are a couple of ways to provide the verifier with the public key
>>>> needed to verify. The (raw) key could be contained in the credential or the
>>>> presentation. If a trust chain is required, a x.509 certificate could serve
>>>> the same purpose.
>>>> Beside that offline has different facets. In a Point of Sales scenario,
>>>> even though the wallet would be offline the checkout counter would most
>>>> likely have connectivity. That would also allow to resolve the public key
>>>> on demand.
>>>> They would need to be online, that defeats any benefit this could
>>>> provide.
>>>> Or what if the token you have expires. Many providers issue tokens only
>>>> good for 1 hour. If that expires, the user has to go through the online
>>>> flow again.
>>>> Unless we can add some provisions to ensure long lived token validity,
>>>> I think in practice we're cripling the usefulness.
>>>> Absolutely. That’s the reason a verifiable credential has a much longer
>>>> lifetime simply because the user should be able to use it in a sensible
>>>> way. As this makes replay more likely, all verifiable credentials formats
>>>> utilize holder binding for reply detection. The public key mentioned above
>>>> is part of the cryptographic holder binding that only the legitimate user
>>>> is able to execute.
>>>> In an OAuth scenario, the user‘s wallet would act as AS and issue
>>>> access tokens (those could be short lived) that effectively are verifiable
>>>> presentations (based on a verifiable credential) audience restricted for a
>>>> certain RS. The client wouldn’t even know it’s a verifiable presentation
>>>> since the access token is opaque to the client.
>>>> On Tue, Aug 2, 2022, 04:21 Kristina Yasuda <Kristina.Yasuda=
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I support adoption.
>>>>> To add some color.
>>>>> One of the use-cases is a flow where issuance of a user credential
>>>>> (collection of user claims) is decoupled from presentation (where both
>>>>> issuance and presentation of a user credential are done using extensions 
>>>>> of
>>>>> OAuth flows). The goal of this decoupling is to avoid “issuer call home”,
>>>>> where the user can send a user credential directly to the RP, without RP
>>>>> needing to contact the Issuer directly. So the motivations are not limited
>>>>> to offline scenarios, but are applicable to the scenarios that want to
>>>>> recreate in the online environment, the user experience of presenting
>>>>> credentials in-person.
>>>>> Driver’s Licence just happens to be an example familiar to many, and
>>>>> there is no reason it cannot be a diploma, or an employee card, or a
>>>>> training certificate, etc. But it is worth highlighting that SD-JWT work
>>>>> becomes critical if we are to enable ISO-compliant mobile Driver Licences
>>>>> expressed in JSON to enable online scenarios and make life of the Web
>>>>> developers easier (as opposed processing data encoded as CBOR and signed 
>>>>> as
>>>>> a COSE message). Selective disclosure is a requirement in many government
>>>>> issued credentials, while the usage of advanced cryptography is not always
>>>>> encouraged by the national cybersecurity agencies.
>>>>> Regarding an approach where issuer issues multiple JWTs of a same type
>>>>> but with different subset of claims, it is not an ideal way to do 
>>>>> selective
>>>>> disclosure with JWTs (type as a way to differentiate credential with one
>>>>> data structure/syntax from another). It complicates implementations that
>>>>> try to provide RP-U unlinkability (RPs cannot collude to track the user).
>>>>> The simplest way to achieve unlinkability with JWTs without using advanced
>>>>> cryptography is to issue multiple credentials of the same type but with
>>>>> varying use identifiers and enable pairwise identifiers per RP. Now there
>>>>> are multiple copies of each JWT with subset of claims of the same type.
>>>>> This greatly complicates presentation of these credentials too – since
>>>>> credentials are of the same type, now wallet needs to manage the
>>>>> combination of a subset of claims + pairwise identifier…
>>>>> What if the implementation also wants predicates property, where
>>>>> age_over_XX boolean is sent instead of a birthdate string? The simplest 
>>>>> way
>>>>> to do predicates with JWTs without using advanced cryptography is to have
>>>>> issuers to issue multiple age_over_xx booleans so that an appropriate one
>>>>> can be selectively disclosed to the RP. How many “JWTs with subset of
>>>>> claims” does the issuer needs to issue to account for all possible age
>>>>> requirements? Note that it’s not just age_over_21 to start gambling, it’s
>>>>> also age_over_65 to get pension benefits.
>>>>> Managing the combinatorial explosion of sets of claims in
>>>>> speculatively issued JWTs, many of which will never be used, seems
>>>>> unwieldy, to say the least. "A conventional JWT with a subset of claims"
>>>>> approach could be taken in some implementations, but it should not prevent
>>>>> a simpler, extensible alternative of SD-JWT.
>>>>> Finally, as Giuseppe pointed out, an option to blind claim names is on
>>>>> the table. As discussed on this list previously, we should analyze privacy
>>>>> properties of the mechanism and decide if we want to mandate it – which 
>>>>> can
>>>>> be discussed after the adoption.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Kristina
>>>>> *From:* OAuth <> *On Behalf Of * Rifaat
>>>>> Shekh-Yusef
>>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, July 28, 2022 8:17 PM
>>>>> *To:* oauth <>
>>>>> *Subject:* [OAUTH-WG] Call for adoption - SD-JWT
>>>>> All,
>>>>> This is a call for adoption for the *SD-JWT* document
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Please, provide your feedback on the mailing list by *August 12th*.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>  Rifaat & Hannes
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