Ya udah belajar aja dulu. Ntar kalo dah pinter baru jual kecap. he3x 

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "adjies2000" <ad2...@...> wrote:
> --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "Budi Hartono" <caktono@> wrote:
> >
> > Kagak keliru nih.selling climax kok volume menurun...perasaan klimax tuh
> > volumenya gede.
> > 
> > Kalo harga turun volume turun ya artinya no selling pressure toh. 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Di notenya kok ada nyangkut ditemenin Bandar...katanya VSA bisa ngalahin
> > Bandar..gimana nih??
> > 
> Hello,
> Nyangkut karena menjadi Investor dan shopping berdasarkan rekomendasi 
> AO....my wrong.done
> Lagi belajar Investing berdasarkan analisa VSA sendiri.
> reference ;
> What is Bullish &
> Bearish Volume?
> There are only two basic definitions for bullish and bearish volume:
> 1. Bullish volume is increasing volume on up-moves and decreasing volume on 
> down-moves.
> 2. Bearish volume is increasing volume on down-moves and decreasing volume on 
> up-moves.
> Knowing this is only a start and in many cases, not a great deal of help for 
> trading. You need to know more
> than this general observation. You need to look at the price spread and price 
> action in relation to the
> volume. Most technical analysis tools tend to look at an area of a chart 
> rather than a trading point. That is,
> averaging techniques are used to smooth what is seen as noisy data. The net 
> effect of smoothing is to
> diminish the importance of variation in the data flow and to hide the true 
> relationship between volume and
> the price action, rather than highlighting it!
> By using the TradeGuider software, volume activity is automatically 
> calculated and displayed on a separate
> indicator called the `Volume Thermometer'. The accuracy of this leaves you in 
> no doubt that bullish
> volume is expanding volume on up-bars and decreasing volume on down-bars.
> The market is an on-going story, unfolding bar by bar. The art of reading the 
> market is to take an overall
> view, not to concentrate on individual bars. For example, once a market has 
> finished distributing, the
> `smart money' will want to trap you into thinking that the market is going 
> up. So, near the end of a
> distribution phase you may, but not always, see either an up-thrust (see 
> later) or low volume up-bars. Both
> of these observations mean little on their own. However, because there is 
> weakness in the background,
> these signs now become very significant signs of weakness, and the perfect 
> place to take a short position.
> Any current action that is taking place cannot alter the strength or weakness 
> that is embedded (and latent)
> in the background. It is vital to remember that near background indications 
> are just as important as the
> most recent.
> As an example, you do exactly the same thing in your life. Your daily 
> decisions are based on your
> background information and only partly on what is happening today. If you won 
> the lottery last week, yes,
> you might be buying a yacht today, but your decision to buy a yacht today 
> will be based on your recent
> background history of financial strength appearing in your life last week. 
> The stock market is the same.
> Today's action is heavily influenced by recent background strength or 
> weakness, rather than what is
> actually happening today (this is why 'news' does not have a long-term 
> effect). If the market is being
> artificially marked up, this will be due to weakness in the background. If 
> prices are being artificially
> marked down, it will be due to strength in the background.
> Footnotes:
> If prices are dropping on volume that is less than the previous two bars (or 
> candles), especially if spread
> with the price closing in the middle or high of the bar, this indicates that 
> there is `no selling pressure'.
> Down-bars: s are narrow,
> Up-bars: Weakness manifests itself on up-bars, especially when spreads are 
> narrow, with volume less than the previous two bars
> (or candles). This shows that there is `no demand' from professional traders.
> > 
> >   _____  
> > 
> > From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com]
> > On Behalf Of adjies2000
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 4:12 PM
> > To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [obrolan-bandar] 15:00 Re: Test bandarmologi terhadap VSA
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > Maaf,15: baru balik ke layar monitor
> > 
> > chart bumi tadi pagi....harga turun....dan volume mengecil.......volume jadi
> > mengecil itu berapa(apakah close 4H?)....apakah masih dibawah< 50% dari
> > volume seharian kemarin ? close Candle merah dan volume mengecil itu closed
> > di sesi pagi (4H)
> > 
> > Interpetasi :
> > 
> > -sudah mulai ada tanda2 Selling climate , cirinya harga turun dibarengi
> > dengan volume menurun----->diperkirakan harga akan reversal dari bar merah
> > kemarin ke hijau
> > 
> > Apa kelemahan VSA :
> > 
> > - Existing Bandar yang melakukan volume up disertai Markdown(akumulasi
> > markdown).......bisa mengundang New Incoming bandar untuk 'jadi
> > pengacau"----maka dalam agenda mesti diawasi Volume BeI totalm juga harus
> > diawasi Volume yang dari sektor lain masuk ke Bumi.
> > 
> > Note : Kalau kita ikut Bandar A yang lagi akumulasi down....lalu tetap
> > dihajar Bandar B le bawah.......tenang2.....minimal kita ditemenin nyangkut
> > bersama bandar A.........soon will be ok.
> > 
> > Salam
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
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