gw seh belum bisa ikutan, karena modal ane belum balik sejak krisis global 

sori ya mbah..T__T

klu dah balik n cuan, tar gw ikut donasi jg ya..he.he.

smoga milis OB tetap jaya trussssss 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: fifi young 
  Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 11:29 PM
  Subject: Re: IMPORTANT TO JT, JH, TT and all trainers... don't be cheapskates 
-- Re: [ob] Nama-nama pendaftar Training INTERMEDIATE : "Price and Volume 
Relationship Analysis" (batch 1)..Last Call..Lokasi tanggal 2 Mei 2009 di Twins 
Plaza Hotel..!!

  That's right...!
  We all get the benefit by 
  being in OB community,
  so open your heart and do
  what Elaine said, please.
  It's really unbelievable that
  from 8000 +- members...
  ONLY...(read carefully...!)
  ONLY 235 +- who has 
  registered for donation.
  It's REaLLy unbelievable.

  On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 11:08 PM, Elaine Sui <> wrote:

    Dear JT, JH, TT, Billy and all trainers.. listen to me.

    Please, if you wish, tell your trainees to donate for OB. Only IDR200k 
worth 5 lots of BNBR until Dec 09. Consider that for your course advertisement 
fee in OB. 

    I know OB is a free community BUT you did use it for commercial purpose. 
Don't tell me you can't do that. OB help you, you help OB. It's called 
mutualism, win-win solution, so is it a deal..?

    To anyone who attend this course, if THEY don't tell you to donate, please 
report to me. 



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