kale kalau ikut donasi jadi balek tuh modal.. semoga ya...

2009/5/1 newbie <oprek_sa...@yahoo.com.sg>

>  gw seh belum bisa ikutan, karena modal ane belum balik sejak krisis
> global terjadi..hik..hik..
> sori ya mbah..T__T
> klu dah balik n cuan, tar gw ikut donasi jg ya..he.he.
> smoga milis OB tetap jaya trussssss
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* fifi young <fifiyoun...@gmail.com>
> *To:* obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 30, 2009 11:29 PM
> *Subject:* Re: IMPORTANT TO JT, JH, TT and all trainers... don't be
> cheapskates -- Re: [ob] Nama-nama pendaftar Training INTERMEDIATE : "Price
> and Volume Relationship Analysis" (batch 1)..Last Call..Lokasi tanggal 2 Mei
> 2009 di Twins Plaza Hotel..!!
>  That's right...!
> We all get the benefit by
> being in OB community,
> so open your heart and do
> what Elaine said, please.
> It's really unbelievable that
> from 8000 +- members...
> ONLY...(read carefully...!)
> *ONLY 235 *+- who has
> registered for donation.
> It's REaLLy unbelievable.
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 11:08 PM, Elaine Sui <elainesu...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> *Dear JT, JH, TT, Billy and all trainers.. listen to me.
>> Please, if you wish, tell your trainees to donate for OB. Only IDR200k
>> worth 5 lots of BNBR until Dec 09. Consider that for your course
>> advertisement fee in OB.
>> I know OB is a free community BUT you did use it for commercial purpose.
>> Don't tell me you can't do that. OB help you, you help OB. It's called
>> mutualism, win-win solution, so is it a deal..?
>> To anyone who attend this course, if THEY don't tell you to donate, please
>> report to me.
>> Elaine**
>> *

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