I have donated to mbah and I wish to donate more in the near future. EL, u are 
making so much profit, have u donate to mbah?

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-----Original Message-----
From: "[ M S ]" <mimpi.sa...@gmail.com>

Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 08:57:49 
To: Milis OB<obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Re: [ob] Rasanya selalu di persimpangan...

I have no reason to whine or complain to anybody coz when I started investing 
in equity market back in Nov 08, I only invested a very small portion of what I 
have and was ready to loose it ALL as a fee for learning.  

I'm here to learn so by the time I can hand over my business to professionals 
or my kids, I will be prepared and hopefully be a smart investor and trader.

Yes, I started with ZERO knowledge, I don't even know what BUMI stands for at 
that time.  And yes I had no trading plan, I buy and sell stocks base on rumors 
in OB. Because it's Bullish I gain more than 100% till Mei 09.  

Selama Nov 08 - Mei 09 saya NGAK banyak belajar karena merasa trading gampang.  
Setelah cuci gudang Mei 09 dan fully cash about a month, mulai tergoda lagi 
dengan rumors OB dan kemudian belanja lagi dan Nyangkut sampai sekarang.  

Nyangkut ternyata memacu saya untuk belajar.  So basically I started learning 
only about a month ago.  That's why I consider myself as newbie, but it won't 
be   forever.

Learning to be a Nyakuter is part of the game and I'm glad that happen to me 
coz it motivates me to learn. 

I'll take advantage both bull or bear, if bull I'll gain if bear I'll learn.  

You give a top priorty to your portfolio, you are an excellent FM, could u 
please share what's the minimum fund that you are willing to handle?


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powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-----Original Message-----
From: Elaine Sui <elainesu...@gmail.com>

Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 10:44:17 
To: <obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Re: [ob] Rasanya selalu di persimpangan...

*It's common problem. Most ppl like to put him/herself as a victim of
bandars, seniors, bozz, whatever. (Refer to my post about the 'Psychology of
blame') Why do you consider yourself as a newbie (forever?). Why are you
following me or Mbah? Anyway, like I said before I can and have to change my
strategy when fundamentals change.

Protecting my portfolios is my top priority, it's even more important than
making profit. It is my job, especially when I sense danger, but again: nobody
is obligated to follow me. If you choose to follow me then don't complain
for God sake. I hate whiners. [?][?][?]

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 11:58 PM, [ M S ] <mimpi.sa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yup, it always amazes me how easy our seniors change his or her mind. Is it
> coz by OVER analizing or it's really what he or she believe in?
> I'm sure our seniors intended to give us an early warning, but seriously
> for newbie it has a significant impact.
> I still rembember when IHSG around 1300, Prof JT said that he is going to
> invest when IHSG break 1600...did he??
> EL said BUY BUY BUY and invest till 2011 or 2012.  BNBR 5 folds meaning 400
> by the end of this year. Bimantara groups 10 folds then suddenly She changed
> her mind without giving further clue for those stocks.
> Semua yang saya sampaikan di atas semata² untuk kilas balik tanpa bermaksud
> menyalahkan siapapun.  Saya sudah belajar dari pengalaman tersebut dan akan
> berusaha mempunyai trading plan sendiri dan menggunakan OB sebagai sarana
> untuk second or third opinion.
> Terima kasih kepada suhu² yang sudah berani menyatakan pendapatnya terlepas
> dari salah benarnya.
> Mohon maaf jika ada yang kurang berkenan.
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "VF ™" vnnfortuna...@rocketmail.com
> Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 14:39:24
> To: Obrolan bandar<obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
> Subject: Re: [ob] Rasanya selalu di persimpangan...
> Hahaaa... Pertanyaan bagus neh.. Kapan bs investnya ya... Hihihhiii....
> - VF -
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "[ M S ]" <mimpi.sa...@gmail.com>
> Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:54:12
> To: Milis OB<obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
> Subject: [ob] Rasanya selalu di persimpangan...
> Heavy Nyangkut Zonenya mbah udah lewat tapi koq terhalang dengan Upper PIG
> Line dan DJI, seperti postingan mbah sbb:
> http://www.obrolanbandar.com/piwihsgzz.png
> http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwldjiazz.png
> Jadi kapan bisa invest kalau selalu ngak ada kejelasan Bull or Bear.
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
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