*Since you asked for it, I'll tell you what..

I barely wear any now.. lol oh you mean 'that' cup.. okay.. sry.. *giggle* I
don't select any 'existing' cup, cuz I already have it right in my pocket. I
create my own grail. It's ugly, though, so nobody likes it 'cept me. When I
show it to ppl, they'll laugh at me. They say I'm crazy to have such a
grail. Yeah, whatever. Better have one than nothing, right? They hate me cuz
im right. lol. They try their best to turn me down. But I'm stronger than
average guy here. I know I am. Let's just say I'm a faithful person, to
myself, to God, and to the Universe.

To others: if you don't understand what I'm saying here, then don't bother
to reply. Please. I doubt anyone will put my email as junk, in fact ppl
actualy EXPECT my post here. Well, of course they will deny it. I know they
will, because I'm not just a psychologist, but also a mind reader. I can see
what's in someone's mind just by lookin into their eyes. (this very same
thing applies to stock market, I can see what's in THEIR mind just by
looking in the running trade/chart)

**I can see only three persons here who have the same ability like me. It's
Mr Oentoeng, you Embah, and the other is DE. **Maybe we're all nothing but
have one in common. Maybe there are others but they're just too coward, or
just keeping it to themselves. LOL. I expect someone will flame me after
reading this post. Let's see shall we? Prove me wrong.

"WHO is this girl?". Is that what on your mind?
"I'm going to write a joke about her!". Is that what you want?


2008/1/20 jsx_consultant < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>   Special to Elaine,
> - Which cup will you select ?.

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