*No. You're on your own. I've warned the last two crashes (January / Mar
08), I think thats enough. From now on I'll be just watching **you guys
handling the market from this day forward, just **like I did in August 07.
Starting Monday, I'll be your opponent. Sorry, but it's your choice.

Besides, I already made lots of forture (fortune & torture :) in the last
six months, maybe I have your money in my bag.. lol..  you call me evil
maniac, I'll call you a loser.. right Andrew?

You may see a rally this year, but half of this community may already got
wiped out before that. lol I'm so excited.


* On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 12:51 AM, abdulrahim abdulrahim <

>   Come on Elaine. Tell me you won't stop share your prophecies ;)
> It's not an attack, neither an insult. It simply proves that they love
> you. You are special for them. Look. Just look at me. Have you ever
> found someone give such attention to me? *grin* I think you haven't
> and maybe you won't. Do you know why? Coz, I am nothing for them...
> hiksss. But you? You are so special for them. They pay full attention
> in a single word you wrote. And lately they love you more since you
> are nicer and, they really appreciate that you add some analysis to
> the prophecies :D you've revealed.
> Finally... pheeeewwww.... just ignore postings which you consider
> insulting, teasing and attacking. Just as you are doing to Boyz' ones
> (hehehe... cian de lo pak Boyz... jangan marah Pak ya).
> BTW, no one but Embah who can get rid of you I think. So, no worry.
> On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 6:20 PM, Elaine
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <you.can.call.me.elaine%40gmail.com>>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hahaha right, I was reading lines.
> >
> > Try it yourself, are you speaking fluently while typing, alone? unless
> > you're a public speaker. Prediction? Well, no more prediction for you.
> I'm
> > giving too much free stuff. lol Are you kidding me? I'm just a
> provocator,
> > right, I barely know how to trade. See Andrew's post? Andrew told us to
> use
> > our own analysis, so go ahead. Use it. No need to share anything, just
> do it
> > for yourselves. Pick your own stocks. Draw your own lines. Trade your
> own
> > money. You're smart right? Why do you need me for?
> >
> > Your email is the most insulting one I've ever read. No, I'm not mad and
> I
> > don't hate you, I just think there's no point to help ppl like you.
> Thank
> > God there are Embah and Oentoeng who are willing to guide you guys for
> free.
> >
> > I do feel that some of the members here were trying to get rid of me,
> either
> > by teasing, insulting or even attacking. So Embah, Oentoeng, Fred
> Schubert
> > ;) and all experts, please take care of your community here. I'll be
> playing
> > from a distance now.
> >
> >
> > Elaine
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 10:49 PM, Forever Apprentice
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <apprentice.forever%40yahoo.com>> wrote:
> > >
> > > hmm... strange, u don't sound like a Singaporean at all (believe me, i
> > talk with them A LOT). to me sounds more like a girl who was told to
> read
> > some lines, a girl who happen to not be able to speak english fluently.
> > >
> > > sorry, we really should not talk about YOU, but rather about YOUR
> > PREDICTION about the market. my apology EL ;) kekeke

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