Hello Ms Elaine,

Cuma sekedar saran, memang beginilah karakter milis OB, saya barusan cek
arsip milis. Bukan cuma Ms Elaine, semua orang pun bila postingnya tidak
"sesuai" dengan posisi atau analisa salah satu member, pasti akan dihujat.
Sudah sering kok. Tanya saja pada mas Oentoeng, pak Tbumi, pak FS, Mas Eka
dsb. Embah juga gak jarang di ledekin membernya sendiri.

Saya tidak mau terjebak dalam polemik "bandar vs retail", "bozz vs
superbozz", "Elaine bashers vs lover", "TA vs FA"  dsb. Buat saya itu sudah
diluar kendali saya sebagai individu. Saya cuma punya senjata metastock, tv
dan internet. Setiap orang punya style untuk mengemukakan pendapatnya
masing-masing, tetapi alangkah baiknya apabila kita tetap obyektif ke cuan.

Saya pribadi sangat menghargai dan menghormati keberadaan Ms Elaine disini,
seperti kata embah, anda adalah member OB yang paling disayang oleh beliau.
Anda tahu, pohon semakin tinggi maka semakin kuat tiupan anginnya. Semakin
anda di "korek", artinya semakin interest orang terhadap anda. Terus terang
saya salut dengan gaya Ms Elaine dalam men-drive emosi massa, at least di
milis ini. Anda pasti tahu apa yang anda lakukan.

Terus terang saya tidak tahu siapa Ms Elaine dan untuk siapa anda bekerja,
tapi saya terbiasa untuk bersikap dengan orientasi hasil (result oriented),
artinya siapapun/apapun prosesnya, saya hanya melihat hasil (output). Dan
output dari anda boleh saya katakan kredibel dan patut diperhitungkan,
terlepas dari cara penyampaiannya.

Semoga posting saya bisa menjadi pertimbangan Ms Elaine. I saw your
friendster profile, heard your voice and read your post, and all I can say
that you're amazing person (somehow you look familiar to me??).

Saya mengerti pada awal-awal kemunculan anda, anda mencoba menarik atensi
dari member dengan bergaya bagaikan penjahat. Tapi saya sekarang mengerti
motif anda, dan saya yakin banyak member yang terbantu dengan peringatan
dari anda. Dengan berjalannya waktu saya kira semua bisa melihat mana yang
benar-benar tulus mau sharing, dan mana yang hanya kelihatan baik doang.
Saya harap milis ini semakin menjadi dewasa dan dunia saham di Indonesia
semakin matang.

Note: Saya tahu Ms Elaine pernah mengucapkan hal yang tidak menyenangkan
pada saya tahun lalu, tapi hal tsb sudah saya anggap selesai dan tidak perlu
berlarut-larut. Baiklah, saya tidak bisa kasih apa-apa ke Ms Elaine, cuma
sekedar ucapan Terima Kasih atas kontribusi anda selama ini. Saya harap kita
dapat bekerja sama untuk dimasa yang akan datang. Tetapi jika memang Ms
Elaine mau stop posting di OB, itu hak anda dan saya tetap menghormati
keputusan tsb.

Take care, girl.

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 12:20 AM, Elaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   *Hahaha right, I was reading lines.
> Try it yourself, are you speaking fluently while typing, alone? unless
> you're a public speaker. Prediction? Well, no more prediction for you. I'm
> giving too much **free stuff**. lol Are you kidding me? I'm just a
> provocator, right, I barely know how to trade. See Andrew's post? Andrew
> told us to use our own analysis, so go ahead. Use it. No need to share
> anything, just do it for yourselves. Pick your own stocks. Draw your own
> lines. Trade your own money. You're smart right? Why do you need me for?
> Your email is the most insulting one I've ever read. No, I'm not mad and I
> don't hate you, I just think there's no point to help ppl like you. Thank
> God there are Embah and Oentoeng who are willing to guide you guys for free.
> I do feel that some of the members here were trying to get rid of me,
> either by teasing, insulting or even attacking. So Embah, Oentoeng, Fred
> Schubert ;) and all experts, please take care of your community here. I'll
> be playing from a distance now.
> Elaine*
> On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 10:49 PM, Forever Apprentice <
> >   hmm... strange, u don't sound like a Singaporean at all (believe me, i
> > talk with them A LOT). to me sounds more like a girl who was told to read
> > some lines, a girl who happen to not be able to speak english fluently.
> >
> > sorry, we really should not talk about YOU, but rather about YOUR
> > PREDICTION about the market. my apology EL ;) kekeke
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----
> > From: Elaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 10:41:01 PM
> > Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: MP3: Are we talkin to much ?
> >
> >  *I see, it's fine then, and thanks for the compliment, embah. I really
> > don't deserve it. I never seen Boyz (and some others) lately, maybe it's
> > because I put their email to go directly to trash... (never thought I have
> > to dump someone here haha..) :)
> >
> > Sorry bout that, but this group is very active, I had to do it someday..
> >
> >
> > Elaine*
> >
> > On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 7:10 PM, jsx_consultant <jsx-consultant@
> > centrin.net. id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> >
> > >   --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. 
> > > com<obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com>,
> > > Elaine > > *Elaine
> > > <you.can.call. me.elaine@ ...>* wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > *This group is too open. Anyone can view and browse it from
> > > Yahoogroups
> > > > > website without having to join. This makes this group not so
> > > exclusive. I
> > > > > think it's a good idea to limit access of this group only to
> > > members.
> > > > >
> > >
> > > The goal of OB group is to provide a medium/centre for Information
> > > EXCHANGE and SHARING for all BEI investors.
> > >
> > > If OB mailing list is CLOSED to public, the goal will not
> > > be optimal. So embah has no intention to make this group
> > > as an EXCLUSIVE group.
> > >
> > > Buat El sih enak, kalo selinggkuh di OB pak Boyz, engga akan
> > > ketauan ama Texas boyfriendnya. .. hehehe...
> > >
> > > Dan bagusnya, jika ada member OB yg pintar seperti EL, bikin
> > > TULISAN YG BAGUS dan mau dilihat ama Sri Mulyani, ibu mentri
> > > engga usah daftar dulu ama embah, lansung aja baca tulisan EL.
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------
> > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo!
> > Search.<http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=51734/*http://tools.search.yahoo.com/newsearch/category.php?category=shopping>
> >

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