mencoba memberi tanggapan. tanpa ada maksud apa apa: begini Bu AF. Elaine identisch dengan minus. itu sudah Natur nya. nah tidak perlu disangkal banyak yg nyangkut di OB ini. saya tidak terkecuali. harapan orang nyangkut apa ya? ijo royo kan? kalo bisa ber hari hari +100 tiap hari nya. itu kan harapan. nah kalo ada member yg selalu. eh hampir selalu menebarkan kisah kasih IDX bakal ambrol dalem atawa ini Tunel gelap & lama banget ya pasti banyak kuping jadi panas.
perkara kejadian nya akkurat apa ngga itu ntar dulu. coba Ibu AF iseng iseng scrollen balik postingan dari dulu. siapa yg, karena Faktor yg tidak perlu kita ketahui, sering kirim postingan memperingatkan kita & itu juga terjadi. Ibu dengan mudah menemukan Person itu. apa kita harus percaya sama doski? ya itu kembali ke masing masing Individuum deh. Position nya lg di mana. hehe kalo soal milis langsung bergelora kalo Elaine kirim postingan saya rasa karena 3 Faktoren: * banyak member yang terprovokasi. maap maap aja neh. pan orang Indo cepet panas. dikit dikit ngamuk. contoh kecil: tuh di jalanan tiap ari. * machochismus di budaya kita. banyak maskulin allergisch kalo diguruin feminin. eh maap. bukan diguruin tapi dibilangin. di lingkungan yg saya kenal saja saya bisa lihat dengan mata kepala sendiri, banyak suami / cowo memperlakukan istri / cewe nya seperti pembantu. bukan menganggap pembantu rendah, tapi Grad nya ya gue layanin elo, elo layanin gue. bukan jalan 1 arah. menurut saya seh. * yg ke 3 menurut saya paling gawat. ya itu tadi karena banyak yg kronisch nyangkut jadi pada emotional deh. mo jualan ga bisa bisa. Ambiente IDX ke < 2000 membuat hati dan kepala panas. itu para dedengkot OB dah sering kirim postingan yg membantu kita semua di sini dalam menentukan arah mata angin. teletubbies seperti saya pasti punya fav masing masing. kalo percaya membabi buta mah cilaka. tapi kan market ga bisa jalan selalu sesuai dengan keinginan kita. kalo maen ga pake margin. pake duit sendiri. & ga hidup dari IDX doang. ya mari kita tunggu sama sama hari yg baik itu. sambil nyopetin diskonan. Angga Firlana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb: Hehehe, ada yang ngambek Tapi bener juga sih ni elaine, kalo embah ngasih wejangan semua pada dengerin and give him two thumbs up, tapi kalo elaine ngasih masukan malah di upilin, toh disini siapa aja bisa ngasih ilmu, rumor. Tapi yang kenapa yah saat elaine ngasih masukan and banyak yang maki-maki malah Elaine yang di kick out dari milis bukan yang maki2 yang di kick. hmmm Tanya kenapa . ??? Apa gara2 rumor mo ke 2000 tapi tanpa penjelasan ?? toh banyak juga yang posting cuma, beli inco, sell bumi, antm goes to 12.000 etc tapi gak ada masalah sama posting2 kaya gitu. Tapi sekalinya Elaine posting, gedubrak deh milis langsung penuh sama replay2nya Elaine :D Bukannya ngedukung Elaine, tapi gw netral terhadap semua posting yang masuk. Regards ~MajulahKomunitasTraderIndonesia~ --------------------------------- From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Elaine Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 00:20 To: Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Thank you for the insult Hahaha right, I was reading lines. Try it yourself, are you speaking fluently while typing, alone? unless you're a public speaker. Prediction? Well, no more prediction for you. I'm giving too much free stuff. lol Are you kidding me? I'm just a provocator, right, I barely know how to trade. See Andrew's post? Andrew told us to use our own analysis, so go ahead. Use it. No need to share anything, just do it for yourselves. Pick your own stocks. Draw your own lines. Trade your own money. You're smart right? Why do you need me for? Your email is the most insulting one I've ever read. No, I'm not mad and I don't hate you, I just think there's no point to help ppl like you. Thank God there are Embah and Oentoeng who are willing to guide you guys for free. I do feel that some of the members here were trying to get rid of me, either by teasing, insulting or even attacking. So Embah, Oentoeng, Fred Schubert ;) and all experts, please take care of your community here. I'll be playing from a distance now. Elaine On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 10:49 PM, Forever Apprentice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: hmm... strange, u don't sound like a Singaporean at all (believe me, i talk with them A LOT). to me sounds more like a girl who was told to read some lines, a girl who happen to not be able to speak english fluently. sorry, we really should not talk about YOU, but rather about YOUR PREDICTION about the market. my apology EL ;) kekeke ----- Original Message ---- From: Elaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 10:41:01 PM Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: MP3: Are we talkin to much ? I see, it's fine then, and thanks for the compliment, embah. I really don't deserve it. I never seen Boyz (and some others) lately, maybe it's because I put their email to go directly to trash... (never thought I have to dump someone here haha..) :) Sorry bout that, but this group is very active, I had to do it someday.. Elaine On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 7:10 PM, jsx_consultant <jsx-consultant@ id> wrote: --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Elaine > > *Elaine < me.elaine@ ...>* wrote: > > > > *This group is too open. Anyone can view and browse it from Yahoogroups > > website without having to join. This makes this group not so exclusive. I > > think it's a good idea to limit access of this group only to members. > > The goal of OB group is to provide a medium/centre for Information EXCHANGE and SHARING for all BEI investors. If OB mailing list is CLOSED to public, the goal will not be optimal. So embah has no intention to make this group as an EXCLUSIVE group. Buat El sih enak, kalo selinggkuh di OB pak Boyz, engga akan ketauan ama Texas boyfriendnya. .. hehehe... Dan bagusnya, jika ada member OB yg pintar seperti EL, bikin TULISAN YG BAGUS dan mau dilihat ama Sri Mulyani, ibu mentri engga usah daftar dulu ama embah, lansung aja baca tulisan EL. --------------------------------- Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. --------------------------------- Lesen Sie Ihre E-Mails jetzt einfach von unterwegs..