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      16 Apr 2008 09:58     GMT    
     INTERVIEW-UPDATE 1-Indonesia limits won't cut Timah tin output 
                    (Adds details) 
     By Polly Yam 
     HONG KONG, April 16 (Reuters) - Indonesia's PT Timah Tbk  , the world's 
largest integrated tin miner, will not  have to cut production if Jakarta opts 
to go ahead with a plan to  set national output limits, its president said on 
     Wachid Usman also told Reuters that Timah would keep its tin  production 
at 55,000-60,000 tonnes this year, nearly flat from  last year but potentially 
coming up just shy of the 60,000 tonne  target it had set at the end of last 
     "Timah is state owned. The government protects our  production," Usman 
said at the sidelines of a tin conference in  Hong Kong organized by ITRI Ltd 
and Metal Events. 
     Usman said the Indonesian government was likely to set an   output limit 
of 100,000 tonnes a year, in line with an informal  target that it has referred 
to in recent months, but would  increase that to ensure strong demand is 
     "(The goverment) will make controls of the fundamentals to  balance supply 
and demand. If the demand increases, I think the  government will also increase 
(the quota)," Usman said. 
     A senior ministry official announced the potential limits in  Jakarta on 
Tuesday, stoking anxiety over supplies from the  world's largest tin exporter, 
whose shipments have fallen from  last year due to an ongoing crack-down on 
illegal mining. 
     M.S. Marpaung, director of coal and minerals at the mines and  energy 
ministry, said the new restrictions were meant to secure  future supplies and 
reduce environmental damage. He did not say  when they might be imposed. 
     Tin prices  hit an all-time contract high of $21,300 a  tonne on Tuesday 
on worries over supplies from Indonesia and  matched that level on Wednesday, 
up 27 percent this year. 
     Usman said Indonesia's tin production was unlikely to fall  below 100,000 
tonnes a year in 2008 and 2009. If it did, the  world market would have a 
shortage, he added. It exported about  119,000 tonnes of tin in 2006, as 
illegal mines flourished. 
     Usman said he expected world tin prices to rise from the  current level 
this year on increased production costs. 
     The government of Bangka, Indonesia's main tin mining hub and  Timah's 
headquarters, has tried to control illegal mining since  2000 without much 
success, Usman said. 
     "In Bangka, around 20,000 people, maybe more (are mining  tin)," he said. 
     Usman said some 4,000 miners were digging tin ores from  Timah's property 
and they had contracted to sell the ores to the  firm. But some contracted 
miners were selling ores to other tin  producers, reducing ore supplies to 
     After more than one hundred years of tin mining in Bangka,  reserves on 
the land is depleting fast and that is forcing Timah  to increase investment in 
mining off-shore, where it hopes to  procuce 25,000 tonnes of tin next year. 
     Usman said Timah would increase dredgers to dig tin in waters  outside 
Bangka and was seeking cooperations with other firms on  off-shore mining, 
Usman said. 
     Off-shore mining should account for about 35 percent of the  firm's tin 
output next year, from 15-20 percent this year.    

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