Hi Nicola,
Shame, the poor dog, and the poor owners who were nice enough to save
the dog in the first place.
It's not easy to settle traumatised animals, but with time the dog
should feel more secure and settle down,as the owners see to be
looking after it just fine. We picked up our cat at the SPCA too, she
was a right old alley cat, and not the most placent pet to start
A tincture of time will sort it out.
So thanks Johnny for volunteering to take it upon yourself to
investigate as diplomatically as humanly possible, and therafter
deciding if you have animal neglect on your hands and what you would
want to do about it, - your help doesn't seem to be necessary anymore.
The poor dog is being looked after well, and just needs a little time
to settle into its new strange, enviroment which it probably conceives
as threatening, dogs are funny that way.
You'll just have to put up with some restless sleep for a while, it
- And off you we better go to the "I love Obs" page, as this is not
the forum for problems of barking dogs.
hope you sleep better tonight

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On Dec 19, 11:00 pm, nicola <nicoladut...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry, Brian, I realise this belongs on the 'I Love Obs' forum
> (although noise pollution is punishable by legal means) but I
> can offer an answer to Johhny's questions, and the post is
> unfortunately here for the moment...
> I live on the corner of Arnold and Gordon (At 18 Gordon), next door to
> the offending dog (No, 16). We share an inside wall with the house, so
> the dog's barking really drives us mad. I've left a couple of notes
> for my neighbour, who got back to me recently and explained that the
> dog is a stray that she's adopted (who was due to be put down), whom
> she's really battling to get nice and tame and calm - i.e. a bit of a
> problem child (not that this makes the barking any easier to tolerate,
> but at least I now understand the problem). I can assure you all
> though that he's not in the least bit neglected - I see him in the
> park every day with his owner, and he's generally not left alone for
> hours on end, (although even 30 mins without his people can result in
> manic barking) and I gather she's doing her best to help the dog
> overcome his issues about being left alone. She is aware of the
> problem and is doing what she can to sort it out.
> As for any dogs lower down in Gordon at No. 1 or 3, i have no idea as
> to whether they're locked up or neglected, but the yapper is
> definitely at No. 16. Hope that helps.

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