Cheers - Phil, 
On the road with his iPad 

> On 30 Nov 2020, at 5:30 pm, Emma Hain <> wrote:
> Hey All
> I’m with the essence of what Martin put forward as well as Nathan. If those 
> that can do pool together funds under the SIG then we can get the tools that 
> Oceania needs. 
> Is there a link to the Swiss Qgis funding model?
> Cheers
> Emma Hain
>>> On 30 Nov 2020, at 13:51, Martin Tomko <> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I just chip in, to elaborate on what I was thinking about when drafting the 
>> SIG guidelines.
>> The overall model, for me, was that of the ACM SIGs, which work well ( 
>> some), or less well ( others), but do not impact on each other. An OO member 
>> can be member of multiple SIGs, or none. Some may organise hackatons, 
>> mapping parties, microconferences, some may not. Some may even propose ( and 
>> successfully populate and run) a stream at a FOSS4G SOTM conference (that 
>> would be awesome). They may help set the program for the conference, etc, 
>> etc.
>> The level of activity, and the financial resources they may have available 
>> will differ, and it is not up to the OO (board) to dictate, as long as they 
>> do not encroach on the freedom of others to have their own activities, do 
>> not place undue burden on the OO itself (run by volunteers, you do not want 
>> to process hundreds of micro payments, etc, I would say), or have multiple 
>> SIGs overlapping in scope.
>> Re fees. I would have assumed that most will be free, BUT the ability to 
>> levy a membership[ fee was left there exactly to satisfy the need for 
>> supporting a more intensive activity that is not “event” based. So, if the 
>> QGIS SIG decides to print a monthly SIG magazine and provide it as a 
>> membership service to the SIG, sure, why not, levy a membership fee. Or a 
>> website, online course, or similar.
>> Broader membership by organisations is starting to go borderline, to what 
>> Adam noted. Is this something where the overall interests of the 
>> organisation clash with the SIG? I would suggest let’s try this, and decide, 
>> as we go. If the burden by SIGS or the internal competition is too much ( we 
>> lose FOS4G SOTM sponsors to the SIG), then this will need to be addressed. 
>> This is I believe the main concern, but we are not there.
>> Martin
>> From: Oceania <>
>> Date: Monday, 30 November 2020 at 1:51 pm
>> To: Cameron Shorter <>
>> Cc: QGIS Australia User Group <>, 
>> OSgeo - Oceania <>
>> Subject: Re: [OSGeo Oceania] [Aus-NZ-QGIS-group] Community consultation: OO 
>> Org QGIS Special Interest Group Charter
>> Hey Cameron
>> The issue of membership fees is only for the QGIS special interest group. 
>> The OSGeo Oceania membership will always be zero, or near zero cost.
>> I'll let the QGIS folks speak for themselves, but they're talking about 
>> being able to pool money to fund specific activities, and if people are 
>> willing to pay for a subscription to regularly contribute, and they call it 
>> a membership of that QGIS SIG, that's all good, I say!
>> Cheers,
>> Alex
>> On Mon, 30 Nov 2020 at 13:33, Cameron Shorter <> 
>> wrote:
>> The question of membership fees pops up every few years with arguments for 
>> and against.
>> I summarized a bunch of threads in the OSGeo community back when I was on 
>> the OSGeo board in: 
>> .There may be some points in there which you can reuse.
>> OSGeo as a low capital, volunteer focused organisation
>> Should OSGeo act as a high capital or low capital organisation? I.e., should 
>> OSGeo dedicate energy to collecting sponsorship and then passing out these 
>> funds to worthy OSGeo causes.
>> While initially it seems attractive to have OSGeo woo sponsors, because we 
>> would all love to have more money to throw at worthy OSGeo goals, the 
>> reality is that chasing money is hard work. And someone who can chase OSGeo 
>> sponsorship is likely conflicted with chasing sponsorship for their 
>> particular workplace. So in practice, to be effective in chasing 
>> sponsorship, OSGeo will probably need to hire someone specifically for the 
>> role. OSGeo would then need to raise at least enough to cover wages, and 
>> then quite a bit more if the sponsorship path is to create extra value.
>> This high capital path is how the Eclipse foundation is set up, and how 
>> LocationTech propose to organise themselves. It is the path that OSGeo 
>> started following when founded under the umbrella of Autodesk.
>> However, over the last seven years, OSGeo has slowly evolved toward a low 
>> capital volunteer focused organisation. Our overheads are very low, which 
>> means we waste very little of our volunteer labour and capital on the time 
>> consuming task of chasing and managing money. Consequently, any money we do 
>> receive (from conference windfalls or sponsorship) goes a long way - as it 
>> doesn't get eaten up by high overheads. As discussed and agreed by the 
>> board, this low capital path is something that is working very well for us, 
>> and is the path we should continue to follow.
>> On Mon, 30 Nov 2020 at 05:21, Adam Steer <> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> Thanks Andrew for addressing all the questions people have. Responding
>> to your reply to my questions:
>> - OK about sponsorships and so on, I can see that the QGIS SIG could
>> choose to align events with FOSS4G SotM Oceania editions, thereby
>> really streamlining logistics and effort and working with the whole
>> community
>> - conflict of interest: really hard in a community where everyone
>> knows each other - my science community is the same, anonymous reviews
>> are almost impossible! I think yes, recusing people from decision
>> making is a great step. I also think it's unrealistic to make a
>> blanket statement that fits all cases. I think the best approach might
>> be to handle each case as it comes, and do it transparently. To make a
>> concrete suggestion - and feel free to disagree - the charter could
>> contain a statement  like 'Conflicts of interest, real or perceived,
>> will be handled in accordance with our code of conduct. This means
>> recusing relevant parties from decision making as early as possible in
>> the process, and discussing the matter openly with our community. In
>> some cases, we may have to proceed by funding people who make
>> decisions about where to apply funds. This is a function of a small
>> and close knit community, and will always be discussed openly with the
>> community first.'
>> There are probably heaps of loopholes in that, and impossible to close
>> them all - so the short version is to write exactly what you wrote in
>> reply: 'we will be ethical, and will resist being a funding pipeline
>> to particular people or companies'. The community has to step up to
>> make that always true.
>> I have no thoughts to add to John's about SIG membership, except I
>> really like that you're thinking about how to manage it in an
>> inclusive fashion.
>> I do have an opinion about creating sub-SIGS though - in my science
>> career I've seen multiple disciplines discover the same tooling a few
>> times. So my hot take is 'avoid having discipline-specific subgroups',
>> way better to let disciplinary cross-fertilisation happen ;)
>> Cheers,
>> Adam
>> On Sun, 29 Nov 2020 at 09:39, Andrew Jeffrey <> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > No problems, with everything going on post conference, elections, and the 
>> > upcoming holiday period we may need to leave this open for comment for a 
>> > little longer than normal. Happy to go with what people feel is needed 
>> > here.
>> >
>> > John, regarding your thoughts on the membership I agree 100%, the charter 
>> > at the moment has a sentence stating the SIG should be "providing 
>> > membership avenues for people that may not be in a financial position to 
>> > pay a fee" perhaps we need more clarity around membership and what it 
>> > involves in the charter? To be clear, my thoughts are that keeping in the 
>> > spirit of OO the SIG should be available to everyone and no one should be 
>> > excluded from participating, on reflection the term "membership" might 
>> > come across as prohibitive. I'm sure we'll come up with something 
>> > acceptable through conversation here.
>> >
>> > For context though it may be helpful to explain the intent behind the idea 
>> > of a "membership". The issues it aims to address are below:
>> >
>> > There is some difficulty associated with organisations giving a 
>> > "donation", but purchasing something like a "membership" to a professional 
>> > user group seems to be acceptable and is easier justified in some 
>> > procurement processes.
>> > For individuals donating to QGIS helps the project but has little 
>> > influence on their QGIS experience, also individuals on the QGIS list have 
>> > indicated trouble participating in crowdfunding campaigns due to high 
>> > minimum pledges.
>> >
>> > A QGIS SIG would allow us to receive money from interested parties wanting 
>> > to support QGIS in our region, pool the funds and then spend as the SIG 
>> > sees fit. The best part is the money will be spent on the items scoped in 
>> > our charter which is again relevant to users in our region. For lack of a 
>> > better term think of it as a "co-op" for the donations alot of us already 
>> > make on an ad-hoc basis. Ideally we would be looking to get a majority of 
>> > the membership from organisations that we know use QGIS to support a bulk 
>> > of this activity, and then people willing to make a personal contribution 
>> > would then add to that. Then if people can't make a personal contribution 
>> > that is also fine because they can assist in other ways.
>> >
>> > That was the idea in justifying a membership fee. We will need to offer 
>> > something in return, for individuals that will be the professional network 
>> > and for organisations that will be recognition at this early stage but as 
>> > we progress this may evolve.
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> > Andrew
>> >
>> >
>> > On Sat, Nov 28, 2020 at 3:57 PM John Bryant <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Andrew, thanks a lot for continuing to push this forward. It has been a 
>> >> couple of months since I last looked at this, and I haven't really had a 
>> >> detailed look at the SIG concept yet.
>> >>
>> >> I'm 'out of the office' for the next few days, but would be happy to join 
>> >> in this discussion when I get back, and have a proper chance to refresh 
>> >> my memory and get up to speed on SIGs.
>> >>
>> >> One brief thought, it feels like it would be good to consider a free (or 
>> >> very inexpensive) tier of membership. I suspect many of us can't justify 
>> >> (or can't afford) to spend much, but could contribute in other ways.
>> >>
>> >> Cheers
>> >> John
>> >>
>> >> On Fri, 27 Nov 2020, 9:46 am Andrew Jeffrey, <> 
>> >> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Hi Adam,
>> >>>
>> >>> Thanks for the feedback.
>> >>>
>> >>> I agree the SIG shouldn't bring about any duplication of the processes 
>> >>> that the OO currently does. A SIG as defined in the guidelines should be 
>> >>> "enabling OSGeo Oceania members to interact, share knowledge, organise 
>> >>> events, and collaborate on a selected, targeted topic within the scope 
>> >>> of OSGeo Oceania". So a SIG should be complementary to the OO function 
>> >>> and allow the interested community members to drive engagement in that 
>> >>> area without the OO board having to do it all. Like you say though, open 
>> >>> communication between the SIG and the OO board is key in making sure 
>> >>> there is no overlap being introduced. Also to be clear the SIG isn’t 
>> >>> seeking “sponsorship” as such but we do want to be able to collect a 
>> >>> membership fee for people/orgs wanting to be involved, allowing them to 
>> >>> fund items that maybe other OO members don’t see as important. I don’t 
>> >>> see this taking away from conference sponsorship and this idea will 
>> >>> ultimately sink or swim depending on whether the SIG members have an 
>> >>> appetite to fund the items in our scope.
>> >>>
>> >>> As for the conflict of interest, to be honest I don't know the answer in 
>> >>> regards to how that should be dealt with. I think we need to add 
>> >>> something in the charter, would removing those people from the proposal 
>> >>> and voting process be enough? How does OO deal with this? I don’t want 
>> >>> to rule local devs out of working on this because they belong to the 
>> >>> group, but we also don’t want to become the entry point to company XYZ.
>> >>>
>> >>> Thanks for the feedback.
>> >>>
>> >>> Andrew
>> >>>
>> >>> On Fri, Nov 27, 2020 at 7:35 AM Adam Steer <> 
>> >>> wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Hey Andrew and all the QGIS SIG proposers
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Thanks, I think this is a perfect use of OSGeo Oceania as a backing
>> >>>> organisation :)
>> >>>>
>> >>>> My only reservation with any SIG proposal is that effort isn't
>> >>>> duplicated about events and marketing, and also that a funding from a
>> >>>> small pool of interested parties (relative to other parts of the
>> >>>> world) is able to be effectively spread among the whole community. For
>> >>>> an example it would be a bit awry to see a SIG gather a heap of
>> >>>> funding at the expense of conference sponsorships. I guess in that
>> >>>> case the SIG could also sponsor conferences? This goes the other way
>> >>>> too - the existence of a well connected SIG makes it easier for OO to
>> >>>> fund a QGIS feature (for example) if it decides to do so.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I think clear, constant and open communication between OO and the SIG
>> >>>> will make those concerns go away.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> In writing this I did work my thoughts through to  a serious question:
>> >>>> How will the SIG deal with conflicts of interest? A stated aim of the
>> >>>> SIG is to fund development, what will the SIG do if all the key QGIS
>> >>>> developers in the region are also in the group of people making
>> >>>> decisions about buying developer time?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> My only comment on the charter itself is that if you want, you can
>> >>>> link to the existing Berlin Code of Conduct:
>> >>>> - with which the upcoming OO CoC
>> >>>> should be 100% compatible.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Cheers,
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Adam
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> On Thu, 26 Nov 2020 at 04:37, Andrew Jeffrey <> 
>> >>>> wrote:
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > Hi All,
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > The OSGeo Oceania board has approved an initiative for members to 
>> >>>> > form Special Interest Groups (SIGs) within the OO community.
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > A SIG is a way for community members to collaborate around common 
>> >>>> > interests which in this case is QGIS.
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > In establishing a SIG, the OO board requires that the group proposing 
>> >>>> > the SIG put forward a charter which outlines the Aim and Scope under 
>> >>>> > which the SIG will operate.
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > Myself, Emma Hain, John Bryant, Nathan Woodrow and Nyall Dawson would 
>> >>>> > like to start a QGIS SIG which can be used to benefit QGIS users in 
>> >>>> > our community. To get things started we have come up with a charter 
>> >>>> > that we would like to make available for community consultation. As 
>> >>>> > this charter currently reflects our input we would like to put this 
>> >>>> > out for discussion to see if what we are proposing is on the right 
>> >>>> > path for the community. At the moment everyone with the link below 
>> >>>> > has "comment" permissions, but "edit" permissions can be granted on 
>> >>>> > request if you would like to get more involved and you're welcome to 
>> >>>> > do so.
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > I also just want to be upfront that this SIG is proposing that there 
>> >>>> > be a membership fee associated with the group. The funds raised by 
>> >>>> > the membership will be stored with the OO org and then used by the 
>> >>>> > SIG on items as scoped out in the charter. The idea with the 
>> >>>> > membership is not to "make money" but to pool our small contributions 
>> >>>> > to give us better "buying power" for lack of a better term. As a SIG 
>> >>>> > within the OO org we can participate in crowdfunding campaigns, 
>> >>>> > engage a dev to develop a feature important to us but might not be 
>> >>>> > recognised as important to the larger QGIS project, or engage a 
>> >>>> > trainer to provide professional development via Zoom, the types of 
>> >>>> > things that are hard to do as individuals or as a user group with no 
>> >>>> > funds etc. The membership arrangement also allows us to offer 
>> >>>> > membership to organisations which will become a way for them to 
>> >>>> > support QGIS and their local QGIS community. Ideally, this is where a 
>> >>>> > majority of the funds would come from as we don't want an individual 
>> >>>> > to be excluded due to a "fee", which is also covered in the charter. 
>> >>>> > I'm available as I'm sure the other proposers are to discuss the 
>> >>>> > intention of this further and in the open on this list.
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > Any questions feel free to ask or if you prefer to comment on the 
>> >>>> > charter that is fine too.
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > I look forward to discussing this with you.
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > Thanks
>> >>>> > Andrew
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> > --
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>> Technical Writer, Google
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