On Sun, 22 Feb 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I think PI is a useful part of the OGL, but don't see any point in
> using it to defend something in a product UNLESS that thing is a
> valuble part of your campaign setting. And if I did think something
> was worth PIing then I wouldn't want to release the rules that
> followed that name.

Ah, but in the case of things released under the OGL you might not
have a choice: if the rules are in any way derivative of the rules in
the SRD (and most people would agree that it's hard to create a D20
System spell, using the D20 System standard format, referencing D20
System game mechanics, etc. without the spell being derivative of the
D20 System SRD) they are required to be Open Content.
> In this case, Clark seems to be defending a name that to me has no
> value.  What it looks like to me is that Clark is:
> 1) Giving away some rules as OGC.
> 2) Saying you can't use ANY names under the OGL (whether they are
> Scarred Lands specific or general names).
> 3) Then saying hey here is a licence to use the names I don't let
> you use under the OGL (including names that have commercial value to
> the Scarred Lands).

Yes, that's exactly what he did in R&R. I don't think anyone quibbles
about those facts.
> Clark CAN do what he wants with his own stuff, but I don't really
> understand his reasoning on this yet. Perhaps I should search the
> archives for postings by Clark, as I would love to know WHY he feels
> this way of doing things is benificial to him.

You won't have to go back very far in the archives to find his
reasoning. In the last month he's said it at least three times
(possibly more) in this thread alone. At the time he was trying to
figure out how to protect his Product Identity in R&R while at the
same time making the Open Content as easy to use as possible, he
thought that the PI license he came up with was less cumbersome than
the alternatives -- end of story.

Spike Y Jones

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