On Feb 19, 2008 6:56 AM, S'orlok Reaves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I can't make any predictions as to how much I will
> > (or won't) be drawn
> > in to a new from-ground-up project, but I can agree
> > that you are not at
> > all insane for suggesting it.
> Same here! The FMF is a clean-room implementation, so
> it isn't restricted like the standard OHR is. (E.g.,
> 32-bit color is fine for anything if I want it to be.)
> You could re-write the standard OHR in Haskell and it
> wouldn't affect FMF development.
> That said, one of the reasons I DON'T want to get
> involved coding the standard OHR is that it's such a
> godawful mess. Were you to attempt to "do it right", I
> would be willing to chip in. Of course, this depends
> on the language used. I really, _really_ can't do
> pointer arithmetic.

Actually, you'd be surprised. ptrDangerous++ is pretty easy to write ;)

> What do the rest of you think?
> -->Seth

Anyway, I would like to emphasize that this project would not be the
OHR+ or anything, it would be... well, what HamsterWheel was touted to
be years ago. Something much bigger and better.

Mike Caron
Tale of the Cave
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