> I'm pretty sure there's multi-OS (gtk I think?)
> ways to build a
Yes, GTK for the C++/C# style developer
Also, SWT for Java developers (or Swing, if you
And Python has bindings in QT, which is multi-OS

> more open licensed (MIT for example) 
I like the Apache License myself, but I think it's not
necessary to go so far. The GPL has been getting a lot
of bad press lately, but it's pretty fair, if you
think about it.

> > Jormungand is officially dead (pity, I think a
> replacement for Custom would have been wonderful)
Actually, I think CUSTOM shows its white hair the
worst. You all might consider replacing that, before
replacing GAME. If you could make CUSTOM somewhat
extensible, then the 3rd party tools could start off
as "plugins" and eventually be integrated into the
main program.

A word about Python. The main resons it's so
attractive are:
1) It's fairly easy to code in, and fairly readable.
2) You can link in C/C++ code to speed things up where
3) You can distribute it WITH a Python interpreter,
and can even "half-compile" it if you want to.

Why exactly did Jormungand die? Is there source of any
quality from that project?


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