On 16 September 2010 17:05, David Gowers <00a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Ralph Versteegen <teeem...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> We should use SCons
>>> ---
>>> James
>> Scons has a lot of prestige, so I'm not surprised that it's the first
>> suggestion, but there are other options: any other suggestions?
>> Has anyone used Scons extensively who can confirm that it's a good idea?
> I haven't used Scons *extensively* (I use it to build all the docs for
> my various software.).
> I know enough about it that I'd be willing and able to create an SCons
> build for OHRRPGCE. I find it quite capable (and I'll say no more, in
> order to not bias happenings)
> ...
> I currently have most of an SConstruct file for OHRRPGCE made,
> including an implementation of verprint that is readable :)
> I'll post it later for perusal.

Hurrah! Three cheers for David!

It's amazing how many hours I've wasted on makegame.bat and
makeedit.bat. And I haven't mentioned it before, but on one particular
Win XP machine, verprint always crashes deep inside a system call (has
for about half a year). I don't understand why, but the problem goes
away if I link certain files into verprint like lumpfile.bas. It turns
out that any FB program on that machine that tries to OPEN a file
crashes unless it's linked to those certain files. This is such a
nightmare that I block it out of my mind; it's a FB (or Windows?) bug
more terrifying and untackleable than I am willing to spend further
time investigating.

> Re: seth's mail:
> IMO, since scons is extensible, built-in FreeBasic support is not necessary.
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