On 12/25/2015 03:40 AM, Nikola M wrote:

-There was also docs-discuss mailing list that could be continued and
made as new one on OI mailing lists for documentation use.

Nice idea, but I doubt we're quite ready for something like that. Perhaps once DOC talk begin to detract from DEV talk, then it could be moved to it's own ML.

-I suggest to start by making new Openindiana wiki page, describing
digested manuals and procedures of managing, editing and compiling
documentation source.

Looks to me like we would either have to resurrect the old process or develop a new process model. In any case, this would likely need to be secondary to polishing up the Wiki itself. Once the lawn is mowed and the fence painted, perhaps we'll have more people stopping by to assist with larger tasks such as this.

Then there is an issue of putting docs into some versioning process,
where Openindiana has Mercurial repos on it's servers that resembles
Sun/Oracle practice.
Having Mercurial and/or GIT locally (possibly with  on Openindiana
servers has strong benefits to just using Github because at the end all
sources and final results must be distributed with the releases and it
makes sense for easy mirroring and distribution.
If it is put on GitHib it again has to be moved to OI servers to there
is no much merit to keeping it on Github.

Is the Redmine wiki currently using Mecurial?


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