Is there a method to force OJB to fully initialize at startup (read all metadata, connection pool, etc) rather than incurring some of this cost when querying an object first time as illustrated in your test.

Varughese George

On Tuesday, November 4, 2003, at 07:05 AM, Armin Waibel wrote:

Hi again,

as Thomas mentioned the test seems not fair,
because first time a PB instance start to work
behind the scenes some inital startup stuff
is done (read metadata, setup connection pool, ...)

I made some tests to demonstrate the
difference. I lookup three different
persons (thus no caching could be used)

result: eugen
591 ms
result: frido
10 ms
result: guido
10 ms

Thus to make the test more fair, lookup
a "dummy object" to allow complete startup
of both frameworks and then perform your test.


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