As Sam has said elsewhere, Infrastructure has often been left holding
the bad with custom software installations. They tend to not be very
supportive of the suggestion, especially where other options are
present. It isn't that they will absolutely refuse, but you better
give them a believable support plan.

You could ask for a zone or a jail or whatever, for the project. The
project can then install and maintain phpWiki on its own.

Migration to MoinMoin or Confluence is probably easiest since it is a
one-time hit (ie. no additional maintenance).


On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 10:07, Christian Grobmeier <> wrote:
> Oh, this one is huge. So far we have no PHP wiki at Apache.
> I guess we can do two things.
> 1) you could ask at if there are options to install a php 
> wiki
> 2) or you check if it is possible to migrate the content to one of the
> supported ASF wiki installations.#
> Here is the list of currently used software:
> If you would come up with an idea, I think all will be grateful.
> Cheers
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 2:54 PM, Frank Peters
> <> wrote:
>> What will happen to the existing wiki at
>> which has quite some content (including
>> the main documentation pieces)?
>> Would we maintain two wikis or merge
>> into Apache infrastructure? How can we
>> migrate existing content?
>> I'd be eager to help with migration efforts (I
>> have admin rights on the wiki).
>> Frank
>>> +1 on the wiki request.
>>> Mentors,some advice, please, on how we make this happen?  Is things
>>> something that PPMC members have rights to do? Or do we ask the IPMC?  Or
>>> do
>>> we enter a request in the Infrastructure list?  Or some Infrastructure
>>> issue
>>> tracking system?
>>> I'm volunteering to do the leg work (or is it finger work?) if someone can
>>> point me in the right direction.
>>> Also, what level of approval in the project is typically needed for
>>> routine
>>> requests like this?  Is a +1 with no objections sufficient?  Or do
>>> projects
>>> typically have a more elaborate voting procedure for this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Rob
>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 10:06 PM, Raphael Bircher<>
>>>  wrote:
>>>> Hi at all
>>>> On there is no
>>>> wiki emptry. We should use the incubator wiki to collect informations, or
>>>> we
>>>> get a seperate wiki for OOo?
>>>> If we have to use the incubator wike, how we have to marke OOo pages. It
>>>> is
>>>> ok, if every site beginns with "OOo"?
>>>> Greetings Raphael
>>>> --
>>>> My private Homepage:
> --

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