There is a confluence install available at
Also keep in mind we recently created a markdown-based custom CMS for projects 
use for creating and maintaining websites.  Markdown is basically a standardized
wiki syntax and integrates well with django templates.  If I were writing docs
for ooo that I wanted to either distribute to end-users or otherwise mark as 
official project docs, I'd go with the CMS personally.  But hey I'm biased.

CMS docs are available at and

----- Original Message ----
> From: Dennis E. Hamilton <>
> To:
> Sent: Tue, June 14, 2011 1:28:11 PM
> Subject: RE: Wiki for the project
> Um, so where would that and other thoughts be on-topic?  I have many  
> thoughts 
>about on-/off-line help bridging too.  Is this the ooo-issues  list.  (I 
>must catch up on my reading of the groundrules  here.)
> I take it that the on-line help is under Oracle copyright and can  be/has 
> been 
>licensed by Oracle then?
> What do you mean by one wiki for  both the project and the product?  I am 
>always concerned that  non-developing users, even power users have 
>resources that work in  the context of their needs and interests.
>  - Dennis
> PS [Wishing we  didn't use MoinMoin for a public-participative wiki and 
>especially for  documentation, but maybe there is other Apache tooling that 
>saves us from  MoinMoin awkwardness.]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frank Peters  [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 10:15
> To:
> Subject:  Re: Wiki for the project
> [ ... ]
> Why don't we start an Apache  wiki with podling activities and
> work on preparing the migration of data from  the current
> wiki. It would also be a good opportunity to do  some
> housekeeping there. We would finally end up with one
> wiki for both  the project and the product.
> [ ... ]
> Online help originally is  LGPL since it is part of the
> source tree. I have been involved in both the  help XML format
> and the help authoring framework that was mentioned in  another
> thread, so I'd be happy to help out here as well.
> One thing we  need to consider is the cost of localization
> of the application help (around  400k words), so we should
> carefully balance cost for the project vs benefit  to the user.
> My favorite way to go would be having core help with the  bits
> and "extended" help online, but that is off-topic  here.
> Frank

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