My impression, and it is only an impression, is that SVN is more transparent 
and the web interfaces for it are valuable as part of that.  One problem with 
how I see git/hg being used is that work happens substantially out of view and 
there is a secondary process for pushing/pulling changes.  (Patches are about 
the same in terms of diff submissions to someone who then applies them to 
something.)  Also, merging and resolution of collisions, in my limited 
understanding, becomes the responsibility of the SVN committer and not a burden 
on someone who is curating the central code body.

These are only impressions and I need more experience before I can claim any 
expertise, but I find the git projects I have observed to be a little worrisome 
because they seem difficult to observe.  

Having a specific coherent on-line SVN repository that has the ground truth, 
that can be viewed on the web, and that can be moved into working collections 
by anyone has a great deal of appeal to me (plus I already use SVN for other 
purposes, so that's a factor as well).  And staying updated on the part of the 
tree one is interested in (or all of it) is very straightforward with SVN.

The ease of non-committers to derive patches is also a valuable provision and 

Finally, I am uncomfortable with this material being hosted on a site that is 
not part of the Apache infrastructure, especially considering the work needed 
to establish its provenance, the appropriate state for Apache, etc.

And the availability of read-only access via git (however that works) seems 
like sufficient-for-now, the least-that-could-possibly-work agile goodness.

- Dennis

More anecdotal experience:

Because I couldn't figure out any other way to do it, I just did a checkout of 
the full incubator project trunk on SVN.  That was fun.  There's a lot on the 
tooling that Apache uses for maintenance of project materials.  Generating a 
patch for a correction to the site-author/projects/openofficeorg.xml podling 
page (where my UserID was wrong) was a bit painful, since that apparently had 
to be done at the root of what I checked out and it ran a while before finding 
that there was but the one change to make a patch from.  And after I extracted 
the patch, I had to delete my change from the working copy and do an update to 
restore the unpatched current-version of that page to my working copy.  (I was 
smarter this time, and I just did an update of the site-author/projects working 
copy to get the new page that Sam Ruby made.  I think it is just practice.)

[Still learning, as you can tell.]

-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Phipps [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 08:09
Subject: Re: Subversion & Git (was: Proposed short term goals)

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 3:59 PM, Sam Ruby <> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 10:48 AM, Christian Grobmeier
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Do you see any serious problems if the code will go into svn in the
> > first step (which will last for a while)?
> I'd like to rephrase that question: does anybody here have any
> credible alternate proposal?  To be credible, requires not just an
> outline of a plan, but actual volunteers with a demonstrated ability
> to follow through.

If Git was going to be available at Apache in the future I am pretty sure
the LibreOffice developers would consider temporarily hosting a Git
repository for developers here to use.


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