On 14/06/2011 16:53, Greg Stein wrote:
On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 11:47, Simon Phipps<si...@webmink.com>  wrote:
On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 4:40 PM, Greg Stein<gst...@gmail.com>  wrote:

I know that many people also have concerns with
potential community issues. But that is all a discussion for a later
time. Not here and now.

With respect, that was the same phrase used to defer discussion during the
proposal process. Leaving community concerns until all the decisions are
made and the only remedy is "those other folk will just have to do like we
do" doesn't seem wise.

Subversion is a given.

If you want to talk about Git at Apache, then follow Joe's advice and
move that discussion over to infrastructure-...@apache.org. There is
zero sense in repeating the discussion here. I'm not trying to shut
down the overall discussion, just to avoid it being *here* (ooo-dev).

To be clear. Greg is *not* saying OOo can never have Git. Greg is saying that at the time of writing Git is not an option as on the general@incubator list during proposal phase.

There are many community, legal, resource and technical issues to be resolved before the ASF can provide Git. Infra have indicated that they will provide Git if and when the issues can be satisfactorily addressed.

I believe Gregs point is that if OOo community members wish to make Git available sooner rather than later then the only option available is to join infrastructure-...@apache.org. Then spend some time finding out what the current status is, understand the problems that remain unsolved and help solve them. Spending time arguing about it here will detract from making progress on OO.o and not contribute to making Git a reality at the ASF.

Folk around here will soon get used to Greg. It's worth watching him. He represents the most common approach to development and discussion here at the ASF. I'm sure he won't mind me using him as a case study...

Sometimes he can be a little blunt which comes across as "shut up, it isn't happening 'cos I say so". What he really means (usually) is "this is the wrong forum to make it happen, keeping the discussion here is a distraction for me and the rest of the community" (or something like that, clearly I don't want to put words in Greg's mouth, Whiskey usually gets a better reaction).


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