On Sun, 2011-07-03 at 12:05 +0200, Marcus (OOo) wrote:
> Am 07/03/2011 11:38 AM, schrieb C:
> >>>
> >>> The majority of the documentation project content is not really stored
> >>> in the stuff that was downloaded in this test.  What you find in the
> >>> web-content side is pretty much just pointers to the Wiki plus a few
> >>> files here and there that are not in the Wiki.
> >>>
> >>> I would much more prefer that when the time comes to migrate content
> >>> of the documentation directory, that I simply tag which files are to
> >>> be transferred and the rest are pruned.  I have spent time cleaning up
> >>> what's there, but there are still 10 years of legacy things still
> >>> laying about, not used anymore.... stuff that should not be copied
> >>> over.
> >
> > I'm only speaking for the Doc Project web content.
> OK, you know the doc project very well of course. So we can take what is 
> still of value and kick the other stuff.


> > As long as the MediaWiki content is still around (and I hope it stays
> > around), the Doc project web content "move" could probably be stripped
> > down to just one HTML page and a few ZIP and PDF files that should be
> > archived somewhere.  All other usable content has been moved to the
> > OOoWiki.  It would work to move all the old Doc Project debris over,
> > but it really adds no value.
> >
> >   I'd rather say "move this file and these other files and the rest can
> > be ignored" than to see it all moved over once again... or even
> > better... to not move anything and simply create a new Doc Project
> > page from scratch.
> IMHO better to start with nothing and add page-by-page. I don't think 
> that the old stuff will remain with what we are doing here, a restart. ;-)


Jean Hollis Weber
Co-Lead, OpenOffice.org Documentation Project

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