Rob Weir wrote:
On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 1:06 PM, drew<>  wrote:
[from out of left field]
Would members consider transferring ownership of the current repository
hosted on the OSUOSL server to a third party, perhaps created
specifically to take this over, and then working with them to create the
indirect reference site under the AOO project, filtering out
un-acceptably licensed items as a way to achieving option #2. This would
move the entire repository without needing to locate individual authors.

I don't see how we can claim ownership of the content on the OSUOSL
server.  It was not part of the Oracle SGA, as far as I know.  So it
is not ours to give to a 3rd party.

Considering the fact that the URLs are part of and AOOo will be getting the domains as part of the SGA, then it would seem that we own them, at least the name. So the domain could be hosted any where that the PPMC see fit, even at OSUOSL.

My 2cents.


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